Landscape Investigation 3

Striped Sky

7 X 5

Ink on Illustration Board

some early sketches

This piece is based upon a memory I have of a sunrise over farm fields in Ontario or Quebec, Canada, which I watched from a car window on the highway. I can remember looking out, and seeing the flat farm fields stretching out for a long time, and then rising up into a random hill occasionally. It was landscape I hadn't seen before. In this piece I tried to create an emphasis on the sun, and used the rays to push the viewers attention towards the small farm on the right side of the piece.

I used my typical technical ink pens and a brush pens to make this piece, as well as a graphite pencil to lay out a sketch of the piece.

Originally, I planned to make the farmfields more quilt-like, with more dynamic and unusual patterns, but as I began to draw this piece, I felt a connection to the flowy lines I ended up using, they sense of the motion they created suggested wind and I liked the effect. The composition did not change that much from the original sketch, because this image exists as a memory for me, so I felt like I needed to stay true to that.