Address Confidentiality Program

Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

C.R.S 24-30-2101 establishes a program that victims of domestic violence, a sexual offense, or stalking can participate in which designates a substitute address in order for their real address to remain confidential.

An ACP program participant will have received an “ACP Authorization Card” from the Department of Personnel showing the substitute address. This must be presented to the county upon registration of the vehicle.

The county will need to use the actual address for the legal address for taxation purposes but shall use the assigned address (shown on the ACP card) for all other addresses. Once the record is stored anyone pulling up the record will not see the actual legal address, as it will be replaced with the ACP address.

Note: ACP Participants are not eligible for online renewal.

Enrollment Period

Participants are certified for four years, and may renew their certification for additional four year terms. Participants can continue program services as long as needed, and may voluntarily withdraw from the program at any time.

Sample Address Confidentiality Program Card

Questions regarding the program or the use of the card: