Using iPads to engage and support pupils in the learning of literacy skills in the classroom

Strand: For the real world

Presentation Level: Transform learning

Presentation Strands: Nurturing independent and collaborative problem solvers

Many educators are enthusiastic about the use of iPads in education; they rave about their versatility, connectivity, mobility as well as the potential benefits of thousands of educational apps (Mango, 2015). Students also believed that these devices facilitate their participation and collaboration in class. The more students are engaged with their learning, the more they are likely to succeed in school as there is a link between engagement and students’ academic achievements and persistence in school (Kuh et al.). Collaboration is also linked with student success as it “enhances academic achievement, student attitudes, and student retention” (Prince, 2004, p. 5).

In this session, participants will explore design considerations for English lessons with the use of iPads to engage and support pupils in the learning of literacy skills in the Lower Primary classrooms. Practical strategies and useful tools on the iPads will be shared to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to create engaging lessons that are collaborative in nature and prepares pupils to be Future Ready. They will also learn the opportunities and challenges associated with bringing iPads into the classrooms.


Ms Nitthiya Rengasamy


Nitthiya is the Year Head for Lower Primary and has been teaching at Juying Primary School for eight years. She is an experienced teacher and currently teaches English and Mathematics for the Primary 2 pupils. She has been heavily involved in curating the school’s signature Integrated Curriculum for the Lower Primary pupils and works alongside her level teachers in its implementation. Another unique feature of this curriculum is the introduction of 1:1 iPad for all the lower primary pupils. She believes that this novelty brings about greater engagement and joy of learning to the pupils who are digital natives as it makes learning more active and meaningful.

Mrs Carlyn Loh