Meet my Teaching Assistant, Mr POAbot

Presentation Level: Integrate teaching and learning

Presentation Strands: Empower future learning with digital innovation, Unleashing the fun in learning, Engaging the digital learner

The auto-correct function in Microsoft Word does not recognise “chatbots” but we have seen the pervasive use of them in the world, in many industries. Chatbots are known to be the next big thing. A chatbot contains an emotional ‘hook’ and is a constructivist approach to learning.

Information is more likely to be attended to and remembered if it has meaning to the learner and contains an emotional ‘hook’. An optimal level of emotion is necessary for learning to occur (Wolfe, 2001). Students play, they laugh and they learn, especially through teachable moments.

I have tried to employ a POA chatbot for my students to ask POA questions. In the process, they are more energised, engaged and empowered to learn because they do not feel judged by their peers when clarifying their doubts. I observed, in class and via the chatbot’s training module, that my students (including the reserved ones) clarify more and deepen their learning in a more comfortable and safer environment.

Interestingly, there is a significant number of my students who are motivated to learn how to create and personalise their own FREE chatbots.

Join me to learn how to create an educational chatbot in less than 30 minutes!

Mr Md Arshad Jumah