FAQ for Speakers

Must presenters be an educator registered with the Ministry of Education, Singapore?

Absolutely not! We recognise the strengths and attributes brought to the table by industry experts and educators from international schools. As long as you have something creative to share to improve teaching and learning, we will be glad to hear from you.

How do I submit the Presentation Resource Link on the Request for Presenters Form?

Please submit ONE link to a public website or Google Doc with ALL your session resources. If you are submitting multiple sessions, create a “landing page” with all your links. Here is an example of a Doc version. Feel free to make a copy of the Doc and modify it. If you do not have an existing resource page, we recommend linking to a public Google Doc now that you can go back to closer to the event and populate with resources and links to your required apps.

How long is each session?

Each session is 60 minutes in length, including 10 minutes for Q&A and feedback.

Can I have a Co-Presenter?

Yes, you may include the name of your co-presenter in the Presenters' Proposal Form but do take note that only the main presenter will receive the complimentary summit pass.

Which level should I indicate for my presentation?

Basic sessions are slower and have a narrow focus. They focus on the fundamentals for getting started with digital tools, where educators can pick up simple ideas in a comfortable environment.

Intermediate sessions go beyond the basics and focus on the application of tools. There may be occasions where more than 1 tool is introduced for cross-platform comparisons of features. Most or all of the features of the digital tools are usually explored here.

Advanced sessions are for those with previous experience and looking to push the limits of what is possible. These sessions are usually fast-paced. Participants may optimise their productivity using additional technical expertise e.g. writing scripts etc.

Technical sessions are for non-educator technical personnel to talk about technical implementations of Learning Management Systems and learning portals.

Does a speaker need to register and pay for the Summit?

All speakers receive complimentary registration to the Summit. Each selected session comes with only one complimentary ticket, regardless of the number of co-speaker(s). Presenters who drive will be allocated a parking lot on campus to facilitate their session preparations.

When are sessions confirmed and schedules published?

We will publish the schedule for SST Summit approximately 20 days before the event. You will receive an email with all the event details and directions on how to confirm your sessions.

What is a Demo Slam?

The Demo Slam is a high energy, geek out closing session where speakers share some of their favourite techie tips and tricks. At then end of the SLAM you will get to vote for your favourite. Come for the SLAM and stay for the prizes!

Please make sure your Demo Slams have a clear educational purpose. Be sure you at least establish the context or explain the value of what you’re sharing at the beginning or end of your slam, even if it’s only 20 seconds. But make it clear.

Do you provide computers?

No, we will provide you with a projector, screen, and amplified sound (in most cases). You will need to bring your own laptop (and dongle) for your presentation. VGA is most common but we are seeing more HDMI connections.

Can I use videos that are not my own in keynotes or sessions?

Please use video content licensed with the appropriate Creative Commons licenses.

How do I get my Session Feedback?

Make sure you allow time and remind session attendees to fill out the session evaluation form. We will follow up with you after the event within a week or two with your of your feedback.