Using Computational Thinking To Enhance Student's Problem Solving

Strand: Inspiring every digital learner

Presentation Level: Integrate teaching and learning

Presentation Strands: Nurturing independent and collaborative problem solvers

The focus of this presentation will be on the use of the Computational Thinking (CT) approach to expand student’s problem solving ability and more importantly how they could create possible solutions using Minecraft. Participants will better comprehend how the PRADA strategies could be used to further enhance student’s thinking approaches to a problem. A preliminary pilot study was done and results have shown that students that have gone through the CT initiative have become more aware of their surroundings and began to be more involved knowing that they could potentially solve the problem. This will hopefully translate to students being more motivated in the classroom and be better engaged and not just a passive learner. Through a sharing and hands-on activity, participants will get a better idea how they could incorporate CT into their lessons.

Mr Roslee Bin Jalie


Roslee Bin Jalie is the HOD ICT of Wellington Primary School and has been teaching for more than twenty years. His work in the area of Flipped Classroom started in early 2012 but he has gone on to share on various local and international platform. Currently, his area of interest is in Digital Formative Assessment and Computational Thinking. He uses a variety of tools such as the use of mobile devices in tandem with mobile applications for teaching and learning. His other current niche is in getting students to create computer games using coding as part of his school's Applied Learning Programme. He has a passion for everything ICT and loves singing on the sideline.