Augmented Reality @ Hougang Primary (AR@H)

Presentation Level: Integrate teaching and learning

Presentation Strands: Unleashing the fun in learning

AR@H is a unique app that has been customised and created to specifically meet the learning outcomes of Outdoor Education (OE) in the PE Syllabus (2014). It is a one of its kind and is not available in the market.

The world is changing at an unprecedented rate (Mr Ng Chee Meng, 2017) and the education system must respond to a VUCA world and better prepare our students for the future. Lifelong learning is important for students to develop deep skills, and to continue to update these skills and acquire new ones to stay relevant. AR@H is an app that is created to deepen students’ joy of learning through technology in line with the Smart Nation initiative. The knowledge, skills and values that are learnt in the PE Syllabus are being applied through this app. AR@H, pronounced ‘arah’ in Malay, means direction, and this is what the app is essentially about, finding direction or orienteering. Hougang Primary also aspires to be the leading primary school at the forefront of innovation in Outdoor Education in Singapore.

Mr Kassidy Kamis