FAQ for Participants

How much does the ticket cost?

  • MOE staff : Registration fess are full subsidised. As resources have already been allocated for the event, it is the school's responsibility to appoint a replacement if the participant is unable to attend. MOE staff must register on Eventbrite with their MOE email account to qualify for full subsidy.

  • Non-MOE staff : A partially subsidised registration fee of $50.00 made payable to School of Science & Technology.

How do I register as a participant?

Participants who are not presenting are to register through Eventbrite.

Registering on Eventbrite

Once you click the link above, you will be directed to the webpage shown.

Click on the 'Register' button and the checkout page will pop up.

Click on either Tech Summit@SST Lab School to register for the Main Conference or select one of the two pre-conferences for a tour 9am- 11am at SST.

Your Information

You will need to fill up your information such as name, email and organisation to create a ticket on Eventbrite.

Do make sure you fill up the information needed within 20 minutes and click on 'Complete Registration'.

Order Number

Ensure you receive an order number for your ticket to the Tech Summit@SST Lab School and you are registered the event.

PDF ticket emailed to you

Check your email for the pdf ticket and print it out to bring it on 5th July.

How to maximise your conference experience

  • Bring your laptop / tablet - get busy working with the resources shared by the presenters during the sessions.
  • Name cards - exchanging name cards is a great way to stay in touch with new acquaintances.
  • Talk - expand your professional learning network by talking to different people.
  • Step out - we recommend attending one session within your subject area and one session outside your comfort zone. You never know what fresh ideas you can bring back to your classroom!