Tech Summit@ SST Lab School 2019 has come to a close! It was a fruitful one-day forum for sharing knowledge and practices in harnessing technology for education, following this year’s theme of Inspiring Every Digital Learner For The Real-World.

Photographs of Tech Summit @ SST Lab School 2019

Recommended to view on a laptop because there are 150+ photos

Resources that Presenters' gracefully shared

Not all resources are in at the moment, please check back at a later date if the folder you are looking in is empty currently.

In an era where we are inundated by expensive gadgets and upmarket software, perhaps it is time to discern and ask ourselves if quality education can only be achieved with more spending, or whether the same goals can be met prudently with effective and innovative teaching pedagogies.

Tech Summit@SST Lab School 2019 is a one-day forum for sharing knowledge and practices in harnessing technology for education. It aims to provide a platform for passionate educators and industry experts to share their expertise in using free online learning tools creatively and resourcefully to achieve quality teaching and learning. By optimally harnessing these tools, it can complement the Student Learning Space and ensure quality education for every digital learner.

The theme for the Tech Summit@SST Lab School 2019 is Inspiring Every Digital Learner For The Real-World. Educational technology experts will be sharing at the Summit. The programme caters to all MOE schools using or are thinking of integrating the use of digital tools into their teaching curriculum.