Nurturing Little Einsteins with Phenomenon-Based Learning

Strand: For the real world

Presentation Level: Transform learning

Presentation Strands: Empower future learning with digital innovation

Global shifts in emphasis of 21st century learning towards creativity and innovation (Tsai et al. 2013) provide impetus for schools to engage students in learning processes that build their capacity to create knowledge. Learning experiences that promote active learning help students develop original ideas and build higher-order thinking skills (Dublin, 2017).

Funded by Edulab, Phenomenon-Based Learning (Pheno-BL) is an interdisciplinary inquiry approach aimed at providing active learning experiences for students to develop 21st-century thinking and problem-solving skills (Silander, 2015). In Pheno-BL, students engage in guided and self-directed inquiry on topics revolving around the phenomenon presented. They explore topics such as Energy Conservation and Obesity, and develop solutions to solve the given problem. Students use child-friendly maker kits to prototype and demonstrate their ideas.

This instructional approach has witnessed a shift in learners’ role – from passive recipients of information to one of active learners exploring deeper concepts and drawing connections between learning in class to the real-world context. Preliminary findings suggest that learners developed a good extent of Creative Confidence and Citizenry.

Through this presentation, participants will explore design considerations of Pheno-BL experiences. They will also learn the opportunities and challenges associated with bringing Pheno-BL to Primary School classrooms.

Mr Kuat Zhi Ming

Teacher, Project Work Coordinator, JUYING PRIMARY SCHOOL

Ms Tan Si Hua