Mad Libs -
A Wordy Wonder

Mad Libs – A Wordy Wonder

Mad Libs – A Wordy Wonder

What better way to end the school year than with the return of SCOPE’s Mad Libs!

You’ll need:

·   Pen and paper

How to play:

·   Fill in the blanks according to the list below. The words you write must correspond to the word form required.

·   Using your chosen words, fill in the blanks of the story under the list.

·   Read out your nonsensical mad lib story!


1. Adverb - gracefully

2. Verb ending with -ing – fighting

3. Adjective – blue

4. Plural noun – bears

5. Place – the supermarket

I am 1. ________ 2. _________ the 3. __________ 4. ___________ in 5. __________

I am 1. gracefully 2. fighting the 3. blue 4. bears in 5. the supermarket

Try it out!

Fill in the blanks according to the word form required.

1. Adjective _________________________

2. Noun____________________________

3. Place ___________________________

4. Year ____________________________

5. Adjective _________________________

6. Plural Noun _______________________

7. Adjective _________________________

8. Noun ____________________________

9. Verb ending with -ing ________________

10. Adverb _________________________

11. Noun ___________________________

12.Adjective ________________________

Fill in the blanks in the story with the words in the list.

As the school year comes to a close, and many of you are dreaming of travelling abroad, Scope Travel Agency introduces the fictional land of Pauland - a country moulded by you!

Welcome to Pauland

Pauland is located in the ___________(1. Adjective) of the Asian coast. A thriving nation and ________(2. noun), it is a common destination for tourists worldwide.

A little-known fact about Pauland is that it was formerly a colony of __________(3. place). In _______(4. year), the colonists took over the __________(5. Adjective) country, ultimately making it a major supplier of ____________ (6. plural noun), a much-needed commodity. The _________(7. adjective) influence can be found in the Tower of _________(8. noun) at the city centre.

Despite its reputation as a ________________(9.  verb ending with -ing) centre, Pauland is home to an archipelago of flora and fauna. Strolling _____________ (10. adverb) in the woodlands, you might come across the native black ______________(11. noun)!

Pauland is a __________________ (12. adjective) place to be and is definitely a must to visit!