The bandwagon

You no longer have to struggle to break the ice - just bring up the topic of famjs, and everyone will happily start chipping in their opinions. While there is not yet a consensus on the merits or demerits of being a famj, there is ample evidence that people are embracing the trend, and the phenomenon has undoubtedly influenced countless Hong Kong teenagers. If you want to learn more about this influential lifestyle trend, read on!

Famjs vs celebrities

Both “famjs” and “celebrities” categorise types of famous people, but in reality each is renowned for quite different reasons. Celebrities are known for their talents in fields such as entertainment or sports, while famjs are local content creators who post unorthodox photos and videos across multiple social media platforms. Due to the eccentric nature of their content, their posts mainly cater to specific groups of students who follow local trends closely. Thus they have a relatively small following compared to celebs. On the upside, their smaller fan base allows them to have more frequent interactions with their fans, and their communities are much more closely connected too.

How do they earn a living?

As I said, famjs are eager to share their lives with the public. They update their status frequently, posting stories ranging from what they had for lunch to how they feel, or just what happened on a particular day. They bond closely with their followers since they expose so much of their private lives to the general public. You may wonder how they earn any money. Well, they make a living via sponsorships from a wide variety of corporations and small businesses. They post pictures of themselves trying out the products, with the product details attached below the posts. Due to their close relationship with their admirers, the products they promote are quite likely to sell out. From the perspective of an advertiser, famjs are one of the most—if not the most—economically efficient form of advertising.

Why is everyone jumping on the bandwagon?

An easy explanation for this phenomenon gaining traction are the travel restrictions and mandatory quarantine imposed due to COVID-19. Citizens have to face a two-week compulsory quarantine once they get back to Hong Kong (at the time of writing), so if they take a couple of out-of-town breaks, they will have to spend a lot more days in self isolation. It is easy to see why many people have preferred staying home and postponing cross-border travel for now. Unable to go abroad, scrolling through social media has become an illuminating way for Hong Kongers to fill the travel void. With numerous social media platforms brimming with famjs, it is easy to see how this increased exposure to the Internet, and to famjs specifically, could make citizens follow the fad, or even imitate them.

Apart from having to stay in Hong Kong to avoid quarantine, the rise of show-off mentality is another factor driving the famj trend. As the craze for famjs gains momentum, many followers have jumped on the photographic bandwagon. They post pictures ranging from panoramic views of hotel rooms to mouth-watering afternoon tea sets on their social media accounts, showing off just how stylish and ‘famj’ they are. With social media saturated with photos of popular famjs, it is getting increasingly difficult to resist the temptation of becoming one. If you are eager to become a famj, the best way to attract fans is to post photos just as others do, telling your followers that ‘I am having a fabulous famj day!’

The ‘power’ of famjs

Within a short span of time, the topic of famjs has turned into the focal point of our daily discussions, but does it actually affect our lives? It is widely acknowledged that becoming a famj enhances one’s social life since by expanding our social circle and boosting our popularity. But the downside is that the famj trend can also push your academics, family relationships and mental health to the verge of a cliff. To become and stay a famj, you will need to spend copious amounts of time managing your social media accounts, which will not only hamper your studies, but could also leave you with less family time and damage your relationships. Let’s not forget that criticism is also inevitable on social media — it’s critical for your mental health that you can cope with such negative comments!

The choice is yours

In the foreseeable future, the famj trend is projected to grow bigger and bigger, so we have to ask a question: are they benefiting society, or are they simply adding to the social problems in our community? Well, this article has already done its job by discussing the distinguishing features of the famj fad. Whether the trend brings more good than harm, or vice versa, it’s up to you, dear readers, to decide.