Mentorship Programme

The Mentorship Programme Inauguration Event on 18th February kickstarted the Mentorship Programme organised by the SPC Alumni Association for this year’s Form 4 students.

A welcome speech was given by Mr. Sam Chiu, chairperson of the SPC Alumni Association. Then, each of the alumni mentors briefly introduced themselves to the students. Some of them even attended the event from overseas via online meetings. There was a short ice-breaking session, allowing the students and mentors to learn more about each other before they were assigned to different classrooms for small group discussions.

The discussions started with talking about the past, present, and future expectations for the students. The mentors gave useful feedback by sharing the ups and downs throughout their careers, and advising students on setting long-term and short-term goals for their future. The students were taught about SMART goal planning, which involves setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. 

Students reflected on their goals for academic results, for social behaviour, and for their health and well-being, then shared these with their group members. Mentors gave them constructive feedback. 

After that, students and mentors gathered again for a debriefing, bringing the 3-hour event to a perfect close.