Students' Festival

The Students’ Festival is an annual week-long event featuring activities organized by the Students’ Association. Suspended for the past few years due to the pandemic, the event was held successfully this year with active participation from students and teachers alike. There were four main activities: Tug of War, Dodgeball competition, Football Tic-Tac-Toe, and the Club Arena. 

The winners  of the competitions were:

Tug of War Junior Division Champion: 1A

Tug of War Senior Division Champion: 5C

Dodgeball Junior Division Champion: 2F

Dodgeball Senior Division Champion: 5B

Football Tic-Tac-Toe Champion: 4C

The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the Tug of War friendly match between 5C and the teachers team. Ultimately, 5C, the Tug of War Senior Division Champion, emerged victorious after a neck and neck battle. 

The Club Arena provides a platform for clubs to promote their activities as well as to enrich students’ campus lives. This year, the Music Game Club, Nerf Club, Magic Club, Rubik’s Cube Club, and the Interact Club organised a range of entertaining workshops and competitions for students to take part in. 

The football Tic-Tac-Toe competition is a new addition to the festival, and together with the dodgeball tournament, aims to promote regular sporting habits and train students’ teamwork and collaboration. Participants had to come up with creative strategies to take home the win.

With this year’s event being a massive success, keep your eyes peeled for next year’s Students’ Festival!