Taking the Next Step –
A Message from the Principal

Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them –
a desire, a
dream, a vision.

~ Muhammad Ali

While we cherish our 170 years of heritage and tradition, St. Paul’s College has always been a forward-looking school, moving with the times. Our School Enhancement Project is therefore much more than just alteration and addition work. It represents our vision of the future and it signifies our transition into the brave new world of 21st Century Hong Kong.

Thanks to the efforts of the Fundraising Committee under the leadership of Dr. Ian Chan and the Special Projects Committee led by Mr. Antonio Ching, we have now managed to commence the second phase of the project. Unlike the first phase in which we made improvements to the classrooms and teaching facilities of the College, the second phase is more about connectivity.

With the completion of the foundation work in August 2022, we are now building a structure on top of it, which will eventually become the new entrance of the College. Our new entrance on Bonham Road will allow the relocation of our College Office, the administrative centre of the College, to the main entrance of the College to welcome our students, parents, alumni and visitors. The large and inviting entrance will provide a central clearinghouse for all of the action at 69 Bonham Road. The present podium will be turned into a very spacious foyer where we will house mementos of the past that we value so much.

While the new College Office should allow us to be better connected with the public, it also makes it possible for us to move the 9th floor / 10th floor staffroom down to the 6th floor so that students can have easier access to teachers.

Finally, we will start building the indoor heated swimming pool underneath the new entrance foyer. Students and staff should be able to enjoy the use of the swimming pool without being affected by the weather or the season of the year.

If all goes well, we expect these important improvements to be completed by the end of this academic year, in August 2023. It may take a little longer for us to use the swimming pool, as we have to apply for the necessary permits before we can use it, which in any case should be no later than December 2023.

Improvements and evolutions like these will help ensure that the College evolves and moves forward as assuredly as ever.