Book Recommendation:

What if?

What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

Science and Mathematics can be daunting. With variables and jargon galore, modern science can seem out of reach, even though every tiny aspect of our daily lives is built on it.

But science can also be weird and fun.

If you want to delve into the wacky side of science, Scope recommends the literary extravaganza, What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, written by former NASA engineer, Randall Munroe.

As the title hints, Munroe provides science-based answers to questions submitted to him via the internet. The questions, which run from curious to absurd to downright worrying, form the comedic core of this entertaining page-turner.

A memorable example of the ridiculousness of this book is found when one netizen asks how much electrical power Master Yoda from Star Wars could generate. By collecting data frame-by-frame from the iconic scenes as well as from official statistics, Munroe estimates that the swashbuckling Master could power “a block of suburban homes”. Munroe’s love of solving problems with logic and numbers is a feature of this masterpiece.

Munroe’s comic strips are what makes the book tick, bringing life to this informative book. Famed as a webcomic artist, the former scientist makes use of his signature stick men as illustrations, making the scientific book even more interesting than it already is. The author uses comics when the questions are deemed unsuitable to be answered in detail, replying to each bizarre question with a simple yet amusing comic.

Delivered with a great sense of humour, the book contends that any problem can be solved with maths and science. In Munroe’s magnum opus, you’ll discover a world of frankly ridiculous science, through which a great deal of all-singing, all-dancing, real-life scientific and critical thinking skills can be acquired. Go ahead and pick it up, it’s not exactly rocket science — except when it literally is — but it is endlessly amusing, approachable, and informative.