It gives us great pleasure to present to you the first volume of the innovative digital version of SCOPE, our College’s newsletter. Different from the previous year’s version, SCOPE has been reimagined as an electronic publication. We aim to help preserve the environment by reducing the use of paper, while still providing quality articles in a bright and vibrant layout.

Not only will SCOPE provide you with the latest news on the achievements of our students, we will also share stories of our alumni, highlighting how they have continued their contributions to the SPC community. Stay tuned to read more about them in the next few issues.

As I read our students’ writings in this issue, I could not help but marvel at their impressive language talents proficiency in English and Chinese. I would like to thank our student editors for their hard work; Miss Lisa Hui, the Chief Advisor (SCOPE), for her co-ordination and enthusiastic suggestions; Miss Chau Wing Yin and Miss Florence Yu, the Chief Section Advisors for the Chinese and the English sections respectively, for overseeing and editing our students’ work; and Mr. Stephen Woods as English Language Advisor. Without them, the publication of this volume would not be possible.

We hope that the new publication can help connect us all — teachers and students, past or present. Read on to find out what’s going on in our SPC community.

David Chan
Assistant Vice Principal