Graduation Week

The 2022-2023 Graduation Week (7th – 11th November) wrapped up with a flawless ending! With the support and efforts of our students and teachers, the Tug of War and Watermelon Ball Competition were undoubted highlights which will live long in the hearts of our 2023 cohort.

Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony was held during the first recess on a rainy 7th of November. Our Principal, Vice Principal, teachers, and F.6 students took part in the ribbon-cutting ceremony which was followed by a tug-of-war contest between 6B and 6F.

Watermelon Ball Competition

Watermelon ball is a beloved SPC staple, and a watermelon ball tournament was held across the 9th and 10th of November, featuring a couple of nail-biting matches between the form 6 classes. The adrenaline was sky-high as the class representatives strove wholeheartedly to bring glory to their respective classes. Ultimately, 6E took home the trophy after a lop-sided final.


Notwithstanding the rope snapping in the inaugural bout, with both teams ending up on their backsides, the competition ran smoothly, comprising spirited and tense matches – with 6A clinching the championship in the finals. The icing on the cake — the teachers-students (6A) tug-of-war matchup— turned out to be an unforgettable spectacle for all Paulines watching during the recess!

Once a Pauline, forever a Pauline

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.”

To all our F6 seniors,

We sincerely hope that Graduation Week was a memorable one. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours, and trust that you’ll be able to chase your dreams, whatever they may be.

We wish you the best of luck with your HKDSE and IAL exams!

SCOPE English Editorial Team

For more pictures, you can visit this LINK provided by the Students' Association - Primarius.

Photos by the Students' Association - Primarius