170th Anniversary
Open Days:
One World One Family

The 26th and 27th of November saw the successful staging of the long-awaited 170th Anniversary Open Days.

The two-day event started off with the school band performing in the opening ceremony. Exhibitions showcasing the talents and achievements of students were held in classrooms, special rooms, and laboratories across the campus.

Game stalls run by a myriad of affiliated clubs and houses turned the lower playground into a carnival of fun and exciting games, and great prizes. Interactive STEM activities in the gymnasium and covered playground catered for our tech-savvy friends. These included VR experiences, robotics, and a St. Paul’s College Formula 1 Grand Prix. Special souvenirs like the 170th Anniversary tram model and Octopus Card were sold to commemorate this special occasion.

The 20-feet pioneer structure built by the Scouts was a highlight: a 2-storey low rope challenge built completely from bamboo and ropes standing in front of the Scout Room. One of the patrol leaders said the structure took about 10 hours of non-stop labour to build, but highlighted that when they saw the bright smiles on the participants’ faces after their attempts on the challenge, everything was worth it.

Distinguished alumni were invited to share their experiences during their time at their alma mater. Among them, famous actor Lawrence Cheng stated that he felt like he had come home on his first day in the SPC family, and also shared his insights about parenting a student.

In keeping with the theme “One World, One Family”, Mr Raymond Fu, former Head of the Music Department, led all the Paulines and guests in singing La Famiglia and the College Song, bringing the Open Days to a rousing finale.