What is the most fundamental law in nature

The Universe is working through duality, through contrasts, through alternates, through interdependence.

It operates in all physical as well as non-physical phenomena.

Everything is bound by the resistance of it. A building is standing because it is resisting its fall on the ground. A vehicle is moving as it is moving through tractive resistances. Electric current becomes usable because of resistances applied. Our brain operates because of continuous resistance of ‘pain and uncertainty’ it faces. The illusion sees as if the resistance can be or has been undone and one can remain relieved, pleased, assured. Hence dullness, decay.

Desire, uncertainty, any problem, any disliked situation provide contrast to manifestation, to what you want. The illusion keeps one trapped as if there can be stability, relief, permanent solution, stable pleasure.

We are conscious against being not-conscious. This is the Totality.

Once you are comfortable with contrast (that is you are comfortable with your uncomfortableness) - your desire, your discomfort provide contrast to the manifestation, to the maturing of your desire, to the new. The process has no end.