Are we merely pawns in the hands of nature or the System of the universe?

The present crisis (Covid 19) has automatically put you in a position when you are physically safe and secured, but feeling psychologically insecured, unsafe. To acknowledge this insecurity, this unsafety, not to run away from this insecurity (by glossy explanations) is the key.

We can not know – what the System of the Universe does – death, devastation, untold misery beyond all calculations.

Our intellect is limited by complaining, blaming, feeling guilty, by hopes for the future, by scientific, economic explanations.

Are we merely pawns in the hands of nature or the System of the universe?

Can we stop being satisfied by any explanations, any postponement of the issue?

Can we see that explanations simply give relief to the mind and bury the question?

Can we hold ourselves in a no answer position, not as our inability but by seeing it as a fact?

We are face to face with ‘what is’. There is no escape to any comforting explanation.

You begin to see ‘what is True’.

Whether you believe in God or deny it;

Whether you are relying on scientific or economic explanations;

Or any belief or ideas you are holding to explain away ‘what is happening’ – one thing is common to every human being.

Though you are physically safe and secured in this moment, but are feeling psychologically insecured, unsafe. 

Can you see that all your running away to entertainments, religious-spiritual activities, holidays, intoxications has stopped?

Can you see that all your diversion to solacing, consoling ideas has stopped? You are rested now but feeling uncertain about what is going to happen, what the future holds.

When you resort to ‘positive thinking and so on’, your mind knows that there is fear, uncertainty but you are simply talking about positive by shying away from the feeling of fear, uncertainty. You can not cheat your own mind. 

This noticing is discomforting to the present mind. If you can rest with this discomfort, new mind is born. Energy is freed from fighting with this discomfort. You begin to SEE positive, the effortless solutions.