Fusion 7

You want to hold what attracts you, what pleases you as if it will or can stabilize. You want to hold the relief offered by entertainment, holidays, intoxications, religious-spiritual ideas, activities. Nothing can be held. You are on the Original ground.

One feels threatened when one faces physical danger, danger to one’s life. This is simple to understand. Apart from immediate physical danger, all dangers are psychological discomforts. Can one see this? One feels threatened on facing psychological danger (loss, defame, relationship problems and so on) and reacts to run away from this discomfort. Can one bear, absorb this threat as it arises? When you are alive, you can bear, absorb any psychological threat, discomfort. You are open to the limitless field.

Life is hinged on tenseness, dissatisfaction, incompleteness, contrasting features. An unending friction is in motion. It is only when you are comfortable with this fact that you are attuned to the self-sustained process, to supreme relaxation. Otherwise you are waiting, striving (illusion) as if tenseness, incompleteness, dissatisfaction will end at a comfortable point.

Your work is not to do something difficult or to solve complicated problems. Your whole adventure is to feel settled in whatever the situation is. You essentially feel settled when you see that any difficulty, any problem is psychological discomfort (if it is not immediate physical danger). To acknowledge the discomfort, to absorb the discomfort ‘as it is’ is the key. The solution, the doing happens.

Can you see that you need no philosophies, teachings about life if you can absorb, dissolve ‘pain and uncertainty’ (resistance) you experience in daily life? 

If you can come to this question-you are on the Original ground.

But why should I bear this resistance?

Because you are not operating as alone in the world but with others.

You are using goods and services, almost everything created, produced by others.

In order to be in the world, in order to enjoy connectivity (which is life), in order to enjoy possessions, relations, situations-you have to absorb the resistance you face in daily life. ‘You are connected to the world’ is a singular structure, complete structure. You are attuned to totality, to abundance now.

You face unpleasant thoughts, unpleasant happenings and you commit actions sometimes, which you do not intend to. It means thoughts, situations, actions can happen without your explicit intention. Can you question-why you should face unpleasant thoughts, situations, unintended actions? Not asking for an 

answer or explanation-but just by being silent, by being quiet. You are on the Original ground.

Living is measurement. Everything is bound as contrasting elements.

Desire is the measurement, expression of life energy.

When you want something, desire something-it creates a tension between ‘what is’ (now) and ‘what you want’ (future). You can not undo, escape this tension, whatever efforts you may make or not make. This tenseness is life energy itself. When you are comfortable with this tenseness-you are attuned to supreme relaxation. Action (or no-action) is relaxed and conscious. Your imagination opens up. You are in the limitless field.

To know, to see the fundamental resistance on which life is sustained is to touch the Original ground. One wishfully avoids facing the resistance. The avoidance happens by thinking-now is compulsion, future will be alright, satisfactory; someone else has comfortably solved the enigma of life; addition to possessions, relations, religious-spiritual ideas, activities will give one stable experience, stable relief. Noticing this opens the flood gates of energy.

Anything troubling you is psychological discomfort and/ or uncertainty when it is not immediate physical danger. Can you stop and clearly see this fact? The discomfort and uncertainty is dissolved (it can not be thrown out of the mind, nothing can not be thrown out of the mind). You are open to wonder now.

Things do not happen as you wish. Thoughts, apprehensions do come to your mind, which you do not like. It means the ‘wishing entity’ is not in control. It means ‘wishing’ and ‘happening’ are related in a frictional mode. Can you feel this friction, this pain without any explanation? You are on the total ground, the Original ground.

You can not remain satisfied, relieved. Some lack, some need, some insecurity will crop up to keep you charged. Life is not enclosed, defined, logical process. When you see this (that you can not remain stably pleased, stably relieved)-the fused state takes over. You are discovering, exploring-the process does not have a satisfactory, stationary end.

Fundamental clarity dawns when you absorb the friction (without any explanation) which life is showing in the form of loss, defame, relationship problems and so on. Otherwise you are simply seeking relief from this friction by ideas, activities-thus remain seeking, remain stuck.

Brain works through contrasts only. Your insistence to be sure, to be certain is itself frustrating. Surety, certainty, manifestation happens when you acknowledge not-knowing, uncertainty. The movement from not-knowing to certainty is the endless process. Nothing can stabilize.

Friction of not-knowing, friction of dissatisfaction provides contrast to manifestation, to certainty. This clarity connects you to the Original.

One who is interested in finding ‘what is True’ will not talk about God, ‘what God is’ but will inquire ‘why human beings have to bear pain and uncertainty’. He will encounter life directly ‘as it is’ and not run to comforting escapes to cover up his own uneasiness. In this process, ‘what is True’ is revealed. Not as a theory or concept but ‘you’ as the complete, self-sustained process. The revelation affects your whole world.

If you think that by depending upon, by diversion to some ideas (religious-spiritual), by some practices-you will find ‘what is True’, you will come to Enlightenment-you are deluding yourself. Unless you encounter life ‘as it is’, unless you face the resistance (pain and uncertainty) which life is showing ‘as it is’, there is no chance of finding ‘what is True’.

One is endlessly talking about problems, suffering, difficult situations and so on. This talking saves one from facing the irritation, discomfort the situation is creating. You have bound yourself to this pattern. When you stop talking, stop harping upon difficulties and so on-the pattern is broken, your safety zone is disturbed. Now any action (or no-action) is relaxed, conscious. Transformation has happened.

The issue is not God but living.

You face resistance (pain and uncertainty) to what you want, resistance to the way you want to live.

Can you feel the resistance?

Can you face the resistance?

Can you absorb the resistance without any explanation?

You are on the total ground, magical ground.

You are pulled to seek relief by explanations (including religious-spiritual) when you face resistance-thus miss contact with the life energy.

You can not depend upon any body else, any activity, any practice, any theory to save you from facing, bearing unpleasant, irritating feelings. Unless you see that there is no escape, you can not touch the Original ground.

You have to brush aside non-reactively any idea to explain away what you are facing or what is happening to see ‘what is True’.Clarity about what you want, about what you want to do from moment to moment is your connection to the Original.If one is confused, ambiguous?Just do not fret at the feeling of confusion, ambiguity. Clarity emerges.

When you think that things will become okay, satisfactory in future-you are quelling the energy that has fired up in the form of some discomfort, irritation. If you can just stop this ‘future will be okay’ thinking-the whole energy is concentrated. Now any discomfort spurs your imagination to create, to manifest the new. This is the endless process of life.

There is no peace, there is no stillness, there is no stable relief, stable pleasure, there is no permanent solution. Living is continuous disturbance and adjustment. If you can become comfortable with this fact-the disturbance opens up your imagination to create, to manifest the new. This is the endless process of life.

You are continuously making stories out of ‘what is happening’ or ‘what you face’ as if ‘what is happening’ is good or bad or you can control or somebody else or some power (God and so on) will or can control it, stabilize it. These explanations, these hopes keep you relieved, satisfied. Unless comfort of these explanations drops or your hope is shattered-you can not see ‘what is True’.

There is essentially resistance, gap between what you imagine, what you want and what is going to happen, the result. Religion has tried to cover up this gap by explanations as God’s will, prayer, positive thinking, karma and so on. Can you see that no explanation can cover up this gap? Unless you are comfortable with this gap-you are living in illusory comfort, which is shattered time and again to let you explore. Staying with the gap instantly connects you to the limitless field.

You are aligned when you do not escape, you do not run away from the discomfort any situation or any person is creating within you nor you are seeking relief in respect of future now. It is your alignment that transforms you and your world and not any ideas including religious-spiritual. Alignment is not a done thing. The process of aligning keeps happening.

You are attracted by suggestions about perfect health, by activities to distress the mind, by ideas about Enlightenment, liberation and so on. This attraction happens as you are not interested in what you are doing, in your work. You are working as compulsion. You are avoiding facing the discomfort of irritating situations. You are seeking some sort of relief which can give you stability. Unless you are ready to bear the discomfort which is there in the texture of every moment-Truth is not revealed. Living remains superficial.

When thoughts of failure, thoughts of some untoward happening, thoughts of some future

commitments trouble you-your brain is activated. Can you see that there is no way to undo, remove these thoughts? Any attempt to undo, remove, cover up these thoughts complicates the trouble. There is no way, you can feel satisfied by thinking about solution now. This clarity puts you on the fluid ground. Now whatever happens is positive, you attract positive.

One is seeking liberation, Enlightenment, stability, permanent solution by depending upon religious-spiritual ideas, practices or by addition to possessions, relations. One is depending upon the comfort, the relief the search promises-living remains superficial. It is only when the search drops that one is one with life, one does not run away from the discomfort ‘what is happening’ is giving. Enlightenment happens.

One wants resolution by taking measures, by taking pre-cautions, by addition to possessions, relations, by religious-spiritual ideas. If you are seeking a satisfied state, stability-you are asking for known pattern, repetitive pattern-you miss the thrill which each moment carries.

There is no final resolution. You have to be on the toe every moment. You are on the fluid ground, total ground-the ground of possibilities and not on the fixed ground, solid ground.

You are thinking-‘why something unpleasant, untoward happened or why you felt unpleasantness, irritation’ or ‘why the pleasantness has not stayed, why you did not get the desired results even after your strenuous efforts’. Can you let go this thinking spontaneously?

Suddenly, you are unburdened. The touch of the Original has happened.