Work, Entertainment and Health Crisis

Post date: May 30, 2017 5:42:53 PM

All yoga, medical intervention, diet adjustments, religious and spiritual preaching tell a partial story.

If one's work is not entertainment for one, one is on health crisis. Acting compulsively and seeking relief through results, possessions, entertainment and so on vitiates the immune system. Till the time, your activities are divided as compulsive, ‘should do’ and entertaining, relief giving (includes spiritual activities and talks)-the integral state, the fused state can not take over.

One is interested in ‘A’ activity, situation. Now when the scene changes, there is ‘B’ activity or situation, one is disinterested or interest is at low level. Why the interest shifts due to change in the activity or situation? If one can become aware of this shifting (of interest), one is attuned to the original energy. Now the passion comes from life energy itself.

What if something is presented to me in which I am disinterested?

See the fact of disinterestedness; see the uneasiness disinterestedness is creating.

Do not treat uneasiness as alien.

Action emerges. Then either you do it or not do it. The side you take is hundred percent. You become conscious of doing or not doing it.

You have become the creative impulse of the Universe.

You can not work as compulsion and find ‘what is True’ through religious-spiritual activities. They simply give relief against compulsion, entertainment against compulsion of work.

If one is not doing work as compulsion?

When you are passionate in what you are doing, the need for escapes through religious-spiritual activities is no longer there. One is in fused (fusion of compulsion and relief) state. One is the creative impulse of the Universe now.

One becomes interested in religious-spiritual activities, ideas as one is not interested or superficially interested in one’s work or in one’s family or in other social interactions.

One comes under the illusion as if ‘pain and uncertainty’, which life is showing to him can be solved or undone by ideas about God or other spiritual ideas or practices.

Religious-spiritual activities, practices simply serve as relief provider to cover up, to escape from the pain and uncertainty of life.

One wants to throw away the resistance (pain and uncertainty) which life is showing.

This throwing away the resistance separates one from totality.

Once the resistance is absorbed-total ground is realized.

The illusion remains busy in covering up, undoing this resistance by explanations, activities. Hence dullness, decay.

Unless you are in immediate physical danger or acute physical pain-all discomforts (loss, defame, relationship problems and so on) are psychological discomforts, even if it is extremely difficult situation. Unless you are in actual physical danger, you are essentially at rest. This rest is always with you. This rest connects you to the ground, to all possibilities.

Due to dependence upon religious-spiritual ideas and intoxications for relief, the capacity to absorb psychological discomforts is weakened.

When you are comfortable with any irritating feeling, ambiguity, uncertainty-the release of pleasure hormones (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin) and stress hormones (cotrisol, adrenaline) is balanced. The balancing of these hormones renews the cells of body and brain.

Addiction is anything or any activity that covers up or glosses over ‘pain and uncertainty’. Addiction blocks the natural friction of the brain on which life is sustained. Immune system of the body may get weakened.

We do not align ourselves with micro movements from moment to moment but want stable relief from the unpredictability of micro movements. We do not feel comfortable with uncertainty, ambiguity. We want relief of pre-confirmations. Acknowledging uncertainty, ambiguity opens up to the limitless field.

One is so much attached to ‘relief’ offered by holidays, entertainment, religious and spiritual activities that one’s other days, other activities automatically become ‘compulsive’. This divide does not let one see ‘what is True’.

Supply of natural friction to the body and brain is obstructed when one wants to become complacent or becomes complacent in respect of possessions, relations, situations ideas. To be comfortable with fundamental ambiguity between this moment and the next completely relaxes the brain and leaves it with unending natural friction to operate.

Y V Chawla