
What is Fundamental Expressions

To go through Fundamental Expressions is Meditation. Fundamental Expressions take you to the limit of the mind. 

The essence of these expressions is automatically absorbed while you go through.

 Just listen or go through. There is nothing to practise or implement.

Just going through and connecting is sufficient.

There is nothing to agree or disagree with what is stated.

The understanding is not a burden to implement. Otherwise it will become an addition to the problems one is having instead of solving.

Truth may enter silently.

Fundamental understanding (spirituality) means there are no psychological issues; there are actual, physical, material actions from moment to moment. It is to free the energy trapped in ‘cause and effect explanations’, complaining, blaming, feeling guilty. Relaxed action emerges.

When you connect to ‘what is stated through Fundamental Expressions’, your natural, effortless expression in any field comes out. Then action is charged with passion and not with ‘should do’ or compulsions. As the energy frictioned in rejecting ‘what is’ or seeking a comfortable end point is released.

             Session on Fundamental Understanding

Why one is stressed?

Why one feels confusion?

Why there is wavering while taking any decision?

Why one feels angry?

Why anxiety sometimes overtakes?

Why one is nervous before appearing in exam, interview or while giving any performance?

Why others do not behave as you want?

Why I do not get desired results despite my best efforts?

Why our relationships do not remain smooth?

Why one feels cheated at times?

Why one feels low energy at times?

Why there remains unstability, that is, no stable pleasure?

Why I face confusing choices?

Why there is negativity all around?

Why there are disparities between different people on economic, social, intellectual, physical level?

Is there something like God’s will?

Why sometimes you are labeled when there is no fault of yours?

Why your good behavior is not responded in the same manner?

Why one remains trapped in problems and keeps waiting for some permanent solution?

Why one feels or others feel hatred, jealousy?

Is greed something bad, wrong?

And so on.

 In all the above situations, you are essentially feeling psychological discomfort in the form of confusion, fear, uncertainty, anger and so on. Can you see that apart from immediate physical danger, all discomforts are psychological discomforts?

All the above situations show that thee is a gap between ‘what you want’ and ‘what happens’, which is psychological discomfort. To absorb this discomfort ‘as it is’ without any explanation is the key.

We are trying to cover up escape, undo this discomfort by complaining, blaming others or blaming fate, feeling guilty, future will be alright, God will take care and so on.


To personally contact Y V Chawla for intensive talk :


Mobile/WhatsApp :                   (+91)9417569853



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