Life has evolved as multi connected process.

Post date: Jan 24, 2017 5:05:27 AM

Why the issue of Fundamental Understanding (spirituality) arises?

Life has evolved as more and more multi connected process. As you are not directly producing the goods and services you are using. We are using almost all the goods and services produced by others. You are connected to the world-if you see the world as your world, whether comforting or bizarre. To feel connected with the world (whether comforting or bizarre) is the whole point.

You can not separate yourself from what is happening in the world (good, positive or bad, negative). You are connected with the negative also as you are using goods and services produced by others.

Then what?

When you face anything wrong, negative, irritating-can you feel, bear this discomfort without any explanation as you are also connected in some way with the wrong, negative, irritating situation? You have made a dent in transforming your world. Now any action (or no-action) is relaxed, creative. You are on the total ground.

Can you see that you need no philosophies, teachings about life if you can absorb, dissolve ‘pain and uncertainty’ (resistance) you experience in daily life?

If you can come to this question-you are on the Original ground.

But why should I bear this resistance?

Because you are not operating as alone in the world but with others.

You are using goods and services, almost everything created, produced by others.

In order to be in the world, in order to enjoy connectivity (which is life), in order to enjoy possessions, relations, situations-you have to absorb the resistance you face in daily life. ‘You are connected to the world’ is a singular structure, complete structure.

Your connection to life, connection to the world is weakened if you reject the disliked content (as you are not absorbing the disliked feeling). And to absorb the disliked feeling is totally within your purview. ‘You’ is total field.

Steps to any reform or solution will always face conflicting interests. The integral solution is not wait or hope or predicting doomsday-but seeing that no one is separately, comfortably, safely, securely placed. No one can separate oneself from what is happening in the world (good, positive or bad, negative). One is connected with the negative also as one is using goods and services produced by others. Seeing the connectivity relaxes the brain. Now any action is creative.

You (every body) is dependent upon goods and services produced by others. You can not operate as separate, safe, secured, independent. You find yourself on the Original ground.

Now whatever you do (or not do) is creative, is your contribution to the world. You are attuned to totality, to abundance.