
Post date: Nov 27, 2012 5:40:47 AM

The concept of non-duality is to let the brain bear the paradox that seeming imperfection is a play of perfection. All movement is from order to order, instead of from disorder to order.

Q. But thermodynamics’ laws of physics say that the universe is moving from disorder to more disorder !

Ans. But the Scientist saying this is Order, that is why the statement is valid. Otherwise the statement coming from disorder will itself be invalid. To see yourSelf as Order itself closes the issue. Now the outer disorder is like an unending game, not to reach at Order but to rejoice through movements. Can you see that 'you and the outer is a singular process'. The Existence can not be validated without your being conscious of it. Instantly seeing this takes you to another dimension.

We see disorder outside. We can take action. Mind is enamoured as if by dealing with outside disorder, order within will be established-one will be happy. But within you there can be no disorder. Even if you perceive disturbance within, it is ‘you’- it is in the field accessible to you only. The disturbance within is in the format, which can not be acted upon. If you see this, supreme relaxation takes over. Now you can take action in respect of the outer disorder.

Brain has to bear the jerk of the fact that the System is Order, which means no comfort is sought through complaining, blaming, feeling guilty when it seems disorder to the mind. This jerk is the concentration of total energy. Action becomes relaxed and conscious.