What Else is There to be Known

Unlock by Knowing

We are to earn money, live and enjoy- that is all. What else is there to be known? - That your mind is working as programmed.

You can not experience anything without contrast. You can experience certainty against uncertainty, pleasure, relief against pain, discomfort, clarity against ambiguity, what you get against what you want and so on.

The illusion has taken over as if relief, pleasure can stabilise. Nothing can stabilise.

Every time contrast is being created between ‘what you want’ and ‘what happens or what you think should happen’. You have to be comfortable with this contrast, this gap, this discomfort, if you call it so. This contrasting process is life, it never stops.

The comfortableness with contrast puts you on the fluid ground, the ground of all possibilities.

When you seek relief by complaining, blaming, feeling guilty-you define your contrast (the other part) as something wrong. You continue to attract wrong to enjoy relief.

Whatever you may get in the form of money or possessions and so on-the relief, the pleasure experienced has its momentum only for sometime. Brain requires fresh momentum to operate. To see that no pleasure, no relief can sustain is to connect to the Original. Now what you want, what you desire provides momentum to the maturing of your desire, to manifestation. 

Whether you are rich or not rich, important or not important, intelligent or not intelligent and so on – you are

essentially experiencing resistance and satisfaction from moment to moment. It is noticing this fact that gives

you enjoyment and not what you hold or accomplish.

It means you have to concentrate on what you want in any situation and not on complaining and so on or on seeking relief by coming out of any problem, any difficult situation.

We enjoy relief offered by entertainment, holidays, intoxications, religious-spiritual activities against compulsion of work or against other discomforting situations. We begin to think as if relief offered by entertainment and so on can be held. Once noticed, the pattern is short-circuited.

Should not we have faith in God?

Just see-You will always want that what you like should happen. You can not wish against yourself. What you want and what happens is a continuous process. This contrast can not end. Once you see this-you become the creative impulse of the Universe.

The issue of faith means-things can happen against your wish and God and so on should correct such happenings. You become bound by your thinking as you have yourself defined your contrast.

The whole manifestation is against the contrast of unmanifestation. This is the Totality.

You are conscious against being not conscious. This is the Totality.