
Unless you bear the natural friction, you are simply adjusting to the situations by explanations.

You experience friction:

When something unpalatable, irritating happens;

When you are unable to wish away uncertainty, ambiguity, confusion;

When your ideas are challenged;

When you are not able to find flawless choices;

When what you term as good turns out to be bad;

When you are insulted;

When you face loss;

When something happened in the past troubles you now and so on.

Bearing the natural friction without any explanation connects you to the Original.

Gap between now and future, gap between ‘what you are thinking’ and ‘what the other is thinking’, gap between ‘what is’ and ‘what you think should be’. This gap is energy. This gap moves life. To be comfortable with the gap is supreme relaxation. Opens up to the limitless. The illusion becomes busy in escaping, undoing, satisfying this gap, hence frustrated.

In the moments of relief, pleasure, leisure – one thinks as if friction of discomfort and uncertainty has been removed from the mind. One is overwhelmed by the relief, pleasure. Discomfort and uncertainty is there in the texture of every moment. You are on the Original ground.

Everything comes out of the womb of uncertainty. To see this is a mega step.

Every moment two possibilities exist. Something you want ‘may happen’, ‘it may not happen’. You want to remove the possibility of ‘may not happen’. This is not possible. Limitless field opens up.

Things do not happen sequentially or algebraically. They happen in the quantum field. Brain can not comprehend the quantum field. It can not know the quantum field. As knowing is essentially sequential. You have to let go the comfort of knowing. You have to bear the friction of not-knowing. This friction is the key to understanding.

Brain gets activated by the constant impacts, which can be broadly called pain (-) and pleasure (+). And quantum field is instantly recognized when one does not meet ‘what is happening’ by satisfactory ideas.

Seeing, listening, feeling of touch, smell and so on is the expression of energy. Anger, fear, confusion and so on is also the expression of energy. Not knowing is the expression of energy. Uncertainty is the expression of energy. Thinking is the expression of energy. Feeling of comfort or discomfort is the expression of energy.

But who operates this energy?

This is thinking – expression of energy. There is no way, you can separate yourself and discuss.

The self-sustained, total ground is realised.

Whether you fail or succeed at any point - new ideas, new imaginations, new options are hitting the mind continuously. The process does not stop. Recognition of this fact keeps one fluid. Energy is not drained in undoing the discomfort generated by confusions, possibilities. Now any action is relaxed, conscious.

Can you stop all explanations which arise to cover up, to gloss over sadness, anxiousness, confusion and so on? The Original may touch you here.

One avoids meeting unfamiliar persons, facing unfamiliar environment, taking risk (psychological) simply because one does not want to bear the discomfort such situation may create. Once you notice that you are running away from your own discomfort, energy is concentrated here. There is opening to the limitless.

We are carried away by the promises dished out by gurus and so on. You have to be comfortable with your confusions, fears, discomforts to see ‘what is True’. There is no by pass, no escape. You have to be ‘ready’ to bear the pain and pleasure of the outcome of your actions. You are not seeking relief by shifting the responsibility of your actions upon others or upon comforting explanations. This clarity connects you the Original.

Q. – I can not shut all the thoughts that disturb me, despite all the readings on the present moment awareness and so on? 

Ans. - You can not escape, undo or erase any unpleasant feeling or thought. When you are safe and secured in the moment, only then unpleasant thoughts disturb you.

Mind is troubled as it wants to solve the ‘unpleasantness’ now. It wants to feel the comfort of solving something Now, which can not be dealt with or solved Now. It becomes busy in fighting with unpleasant thoughts as if to feel comfortable Now.

Can one see that the fight is illusory?

Just seeing that nothing can be done Now to feel comfortable about the unpleasant thoughts attunes you to supreme relaxation. You are open to a new dimension.

You want solace from predictions, from what is going to happen, from what you expect. Just notice this. You will see that this solace can not be held, it is fluid. You are relaxed with fluidness, with uncertainty. You are in the limitless field.

Frustration follows when you want to secure this solace.

We have numbed our experiencing structure by avoiding the feeling of pain (uneasiness) and uncertainty in daily life. We do not see that religious-spiritual ideas, activities and entertainments simply provide relief by their explanations as if without absorbing the discomfort, we will find ‘what is True’. We are dulled by lullabies. Once you see this, alchemy begins to happen.

Can you stand at this moment ‘as it is’ (except when you are in immediate physical danger)-however difficult the situation is, however degrading the moment is, however intimidating you are feeling, however uncertain, confused you are.

Your whole energy is concentrated here. You are in the limitless field.

Any discomforting or irritating situation and uncertainty creates uneasiness in your nervous system. One tries to throw away this uneasiness by solacing explanations or by diversions like entertainments, religious-spiritual ideas. Mind is enamoured as if it will resolve this uneasiness. Unless this uneasiness is experienced ‘as it is’, energy is not concentrated. One becomes addicted to escapes. Loses contact with the Life energy.

Existence is manifested as two-the observer(you) and the observed (world). Can you see that this is the total field? 

You may be bound by your genetic mold. But one factor is common to every human being.

You are continuously experiencing resistance (discomfort) and satisfaction (relief). The illusion posits as if resistance can be undone or removed from the mind. Once you are able to notice this – fused state touches you. You begin to see ‘what is True’.

Do not adjust with any situation with explanation that you are doing or putting up as compulsion. Either do or not do. Leaving the comfort of explanations will seem painful, uneasy. But you have landed yourself on the Original ground.

All complications arise as we have separated work as separate from life, from enjoyment. Instead of enjoying, we want to settle in the relief from compulsions, irritations, discomforts.

You have to essentially work as life has evolved as more and more multi connected process. As you are not directly producing the goods and services you are using. We are using almost all the goods and services produced by others. So, in whatever way you operate in the world is your expression, is your contribution to the world is, is your work. 

We have made work a compulsive activity, so we have to seek relief through entertainment, holidays, intoxications, religious-spiritual activities. We become inclined to this relief as if it will end the uneasiness of compulsion. Unless fusion of compulsion and relief takes place, one can not see ‘what is True’. 

Fundamental understanding is not a solace or consolation or hope that things will become alright in future. It is to contact the Original energy, which is here and now – whatever be the situation.


Energy is total at all times if you do not run away by explanations from what you are experiencing – sadness, confusion, pleasure, irritation and so on. You are attuned to automation.


When you see that there is no escape from the pain you are experiencing - believing or not-believing in God becomes irrelevant as you begin to see God as the endless, restless process of life.

Till the time you find escapes from your pain, discomfort – you indulge in ideas about God or no God.