Stress due to Examination and Studies-news item 15-06-2010

Post date: Jul 15, 2010 6:58:36 PM

This has reference to reports in the media relating to stress due to studies and exam results.

The issue of stress has not been properly understood.

Just see.

Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. We want to be comfortable, secure about results, future now.

Uncertainty as to results can not be solved as of now.

It is compounded as stress, anxiety when we do not accept it.

Understanding the above concentrates the total energy. One is grounded to the ever present 'NOW'.

Action (in this case studies) has a different meaning now.

There arises joy, which is not dependent upon results.

What is the hitch in understanding this?

One is not able to let go the satisfaction of future. This satisfaction, comfort is illusory.

It vanishes on being noticed.

Just understanding the above is sufficient. There is nothing to practice or implement.

Human mind is programmed. It is under the illusion as if tomorrow(result) will deliver.

We act (study) compulsively as if result would take us out of compulsion.

One is seeking perfection, excellence, happiness.

One can never become perfect (deadend).One can be attuned to perfection.

One is attuned to perfection automatically when one leaves the comfort of becoming perfect.

The energy is concentrated here and now.

One becomes the creative impulse of the Universe.

This can not be directly taught to students.

It is only when parents and teachers become aware of this fact that it percolates to the students.