Osaka2022 Matching

Matching Market Design | Microeconomic Analysis 1 

マッチング・マーケットデザイン | ミクロ経済分析1

Last Update: July 11, 2022 

Announcement | お知らせ  

Course Objective and Content | 講義概要・目的  

Learning Goals | 学習目標  

Requirement / Prerequisite | 履修条件・受講条件

Grading Policy | 成績評価 

Textbooks | 講義テキスト

Course Schedule | 講義日程 

(Lectures 1, 2, and 3 will be given by the instructor. All the rest consists of students' presentations.)

Lecture 1. Introduction to Matching Market Design  April 11 

Lecture 2. A New Trade-off between Efficiency and Quantity  April 18 


Lecture 3. The Basic Matching Model  April 25 

The following lectures are based on students' presentations.

For each "TBA" slot, you can choose a paper from the references (or you could pick some other related paper if you wish). In any case, please send me an email and let me know which paper/slot you would like to present. 

Lecture 4. The Medical Match  May 9

Lecture 5. Assignment Markets  

Lecture 6. School Choice: Part 1 

Lecture 7. Experimental Studies 

Lectures 8-9. Empirical Studies and Applications  June 6 and 13 


Lecture 10. School Choice: Part 2  June 20 

Lecture 11. Chinese College Admission  June 27 

Lecture 12. Matching with Wages and Contracts  

Lecture 13. Affirmative Actions  July 11 

Lecture 14. General Distributional Constraints 

Lecture X. Probabilistic Assignments  

Lecture Y. Other Advanced Topics 

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Survey Articles |  サーベイ論文

References | 参考文献