
オークション理論 | ミクロ経済分析2

Auction Theory | Microeconomic Analysis 2

  • 2学期:木曜2限:第1演習室

  • オフィスアワー:水曜日 12:30 - 13:30

最終更新日: 2017年2月12日

お知らせ | Announcement

  • [16/10/27] --- 11月17日の講義冒頭で、Bulow & Roberts (1989) について復習します。

    • [16/10/3] --- 受講希望者の方は(聴講のみで単位が不要でも)、こちらのフォームに記入してください。講義資料の送付や連絡に使います。 ←重要!

  • [16/9/25] --- 海外出張のため、11月10日休講とします(予定)。

  • [16/6/5] --- 初回の講義は10月6日(木)です。

  • [15/11/8] --- 講義は日本語で行います。 | Lectures will be given in JAPANESE.

講義概要・目的 | Course Objective and Content

  • 近年、理論と実践の両面において発展が著しいオークション研究について学びます。

    • 単一財モデルに焦点を当て、主要文献(原典論文)を丹念に読み込んでいきます。

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  • 授業のスタイルは、事前に指定した関連論文の輪読&報告形式です。最初の数回は安田による講義となりますが、以降は参加学生の発表が中心となります。

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    • 特に、不完備情報ゲームについて、Gibbons (1992) Tadelis (2013) といった学部テキストの内容が理解できない/不十分な学生は、講義が始まる前に独習してしっかり理解しておくこと!

  • 【注意】KOAN掲載の講義スケジュール(ページ一番下を参照)のままだと消化不良になりそうなので、単一財のケースについてのみ扱うことにしました。

    • 複数財については、来年度にまた別の科目「オークション・マーケットデザイン」として開講を予定しています。

成績評価 | Grading Policy

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    • 発表でスライド資料を使う場合は、英語で書く事を推奨します(絶対要件ではありません)。

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    • 次のいずれかを2〜5ページ程度にまとめてe-mailに添付して提出してください。

      • 講義で扱ったオークション研究に関連する研究アイデア

      • 講義で直接カバーしなかった関連論文やテキストの章に関するコメント

      • 関連するトピックに関するサーベイ

    • 使用言語は、日本語・英語どちらでも構いません。

    • 提出期限は2月12日(日)とします。

講義テキスト | Textbooks

  • テキスト (講義で必要な箇所は配布しますので、どちらも購入する必要はありません)

    • Vijay Krishna, Auction Theory: 2nd, 2009. Amazon

      • オークション理論の最も標準的な大学院レベルのテキスト。講義全般を通じて役に立つ一冊です。

    • Tilman Borgers, An Introduction to the Theory of Mechanism Design, 2015. Amazon

      • メカニズムデザインに関する簡潔で分りやすい上級テキスト。

  • 関連図書 (上の本ほど難易度が高めです)

    • Paul Milgrom, Putting Auction Theory to Work, 2004. Amazon 日本語訳

      • 実務への応用にも詳しい大著です。類書に無い記述で、複数財のケースが非常に参考になります。

    • Fudenberg, D. and Tirole, J., Game Theory, 1991. Amazon

      • 7章「ベイジアンゲームとメカニズムデザイン」の解説が優れています。

    • Bolton. P. and Dewatripont, M., Contract Theory, 2004. Amazon

      • 2章「スクリーニング」、7章「オークション」、12章「遂行理論」が参考になります。

    • Cramton, P. C., Shoham, Y., & Steinberg, R. (Eds.). (2006). Combinatorial auctions (Vol. 475). Cambridge: MIT press. Amazon

      • 組み合わせオークションに関するサーベイ論文集。

    • Paul Klemperer, Auctions: Theory and Practice, 2004. Amazon

    • ケン・スティグリッツ, オークションの人間行動学, 日経BP社, 2008. Amazon

      • 日本語で書かれたオークション理論の解説の中では最も詳しく丁寧だと思います。

    • Timothy P. Hubbard and Harry J. Paarsch, Auctions, 2016. Amazon

      • 数式を使わずに様々なオークションに関するトピックを紹介する優れた入門書。

    • 展望論文

        • *McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1987). Auctions and bidding. Journal of economic literature, 25(2), 699-738.

        • Athey, S., & Haile, P. A. (2007). Nonparametric approaches to auctions.Handbook of econometrics, 6, 3847-3965.

        • Dasgupta, S., & Hansen, R. (2008). Auctions in corporate finance. handbook of Corporate Finance, 87-143.

        • Dechenaux, E., Kovenock, D., & Sheremeta, R. M. (2015). A survey of experimental research on contests, all-pay auctions and tournaments. Experimental Economics, 18(4), 609-669.

        • *Klemperer, P. (1999). Auction theory: A guide to the literature. Journal of economic surveys, 13(3), 227-286.

        • Lucking‐Reiley, D. (2000). Auctions on the Internet: What’s being auctioned, and how?. The journal of industrial economics, 48(3), 227-252.

        • Maskin, E. (2004). The unity of auction theory: Milgrom's masterclass. Journal of Economic Literature, 42(4), 1102-1115.

        • Milgrom, P. (1989). Auctions and bidding: A primer. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3(3), 3-22.

        • Wolfstetter, E. (1996). Auctions: an introduction. Journal of economic surveys,10(4), 367-420.

講義日程(改訂版) | Course Schedule - Concise (Updated Version)



Single-Object Auctions: Basic Theory Slide1(pdf) Slide2

  • 1. - Overview 10/6

    • Introduction

      • Krishna: Ch1

    • Private Value Auctions

      • Krishna: Ch2

    • <References>

      • *Milgrom, P. R., & Weber, R. J. (1982)

  • 2. - Screening 10/13

    • Single Indivisible Good

      • Borgers: Ch2.2

    • Nonlinear Pricing

      • Borgers: Ch2.3

    • Bundling

      • Borgers: Ch2.4

    • <References>

      • Adams, W. J., & Yellen, J. L. (1976)

      • Mussa, M., & Rosen, S. (1978)

  • 3. - Single Unit Auctions 10/20

    • The Revenue Equivalence Principle

      • Krishna: Ch3

      • Borgers: Ch3.2

    • <References>

      • *Vickrey, W. (1961)

      • Mookherjee, D., & Reichelstein, S. (1992)

  • 4. - Mechanism Design (1) 10/27

    • Optimal Auctions

      • Krishna: Ch5

      • Borgers: Ch6.2, Ch6.3

      • Riley, J. G., & Samuelson, W. F. (1981) --- 川中

    • Economic Intuition

        • Bulow, J., & Roberts, J. (1989) --- 謝 12/1

    • <References>

      • *Myerson, R. B. (1981)

  • 5. - Mechanism Design (2) 11/17

    • Public Goods

      • Borgers: Ch3.3

        • d'Aspremont, C., & Gérard-Varet, L. A. (1979) --- 小田 11/24

    • Bilateral Trade

      • Borgers: Ch3.4

      • *Myerson, R. B., & Satterthwaite, M. A. (1983) --- Petra Rkman

    • <References>

      • Chatterjee, K., & Samuelson, W. (1983)

  • 6. - Interdependent Values (1) Skip

    • Affiliated Values

      • Krishna: Ch6

      • Wilson, R. (1977)

    • The Revenue Ranking ("Linkage") Principle

      • Krishna: Ch7

      • Milgrom, P. R., & Weber, R. J. (1982)

    • <References>

      • Perry, M., & Reny, P. J. (1999)

  • 7. - Interdependent Values (2)

    • Winner's Curse

      • Kagel, J. H., & Levin, D. (1986) --- 趙 夢丹 12/8

    • Optimal Mechanism

      • Borgers: Ch6.4

        • Cremer, J., & McLean, R. P. (1988) --- 陳 偉業 12/1

    • <References>

      • Laffont, J. J., & Martimort, D. (2000)

Single-Object Auctions: Extension

  • 8. - Bidding Rings (1) 12/8

    • Weak and Strong Cartels

      • McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1992) --- 王 躍

      • Marshall, R. C., & Marx, L. M. (2007)

    • <References>

      • Krishna: Ch11 "Bidding Rings"

      • Bajari, P., & Ye, L. (2003)

      • Graham, D. A., & Marshall, R. C. (1987)

      • Pesendorfer, M. (2000)

      • Porter, R. H., & Zona, J. D. (1993)

      • Robinson, M. S. (1985)

  • 9. - Bidding Rings (2) 12/15

    • Collusion-Proof Mechanism

      • Che, Y. K., & Kim, J. (2006)

    • Winner's Curse

      • Hendricks, K., Porter, R., & Tan, G. (2008) --- 李 銀玲

    • <References>

      • Krishna: Ch11 "Bidding Rings"

      • Che, Y. K., & Kim, J. (2009)

  • 10. - Auctions in Context (1) 12/22

    • Entry Fee

      • Levin, D., & Smith, J. L. (1994) --- 楊 極致

      • Li, T., & Zheng, X. (2009) ---

    • <References>

      • Milgrom: Ch6 "Auctions in Context"

      • McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1987)

      • Samuelson, W. F. (1985)

  • 11. - Auctions in Context (2) 1/12

    • Resale

      • Garratt, R., & Tröger, T. (2006) --- 鄒 娣

      • Hafalir, I., & Krishna, V. (2008) --- 塩澤

    • <References>

      • Milgrom: Ch6 "Auctions in Context"

      • Garratt, R. J., Tröger, T., & Zheng, C. Z. (2009)

      • Gupta, M., & Lebrun, B. (1999)

      • Haile, P. A. (2003)

      • Zheng, C. Z. (2002)

  • 12. - Internet Auctions 1/19

    • Sniping

      • Roth, A. E., & Ockenfels, A. (2002) --- 楊 杰萌

    • Sponsored Search Auctions

      • Edelman, B., Ostrovsky, M., & Schwarz, M. (2007) --- 李 莎莎

    • Buy Price (Buyout or Buy-it-now) Option

      • Mathews, T. (2004)

    • <References>

      • Bajari, P., & Hortacsu, A. (2003)

      • Brown, J., & Morgan, J. (2009)

      • Budish, E. B., & Takeyama, L. N. (2001)

      • Ely, J. C., & Hossain, T. (2009)

      • Gallien, J., & Gupta, S. (2007)

      • Hossain, T., & Morgan, J. (2006)

      • Melnik, M. I., & Alm, J. (2002)

      • Peters, M., & Severinov, S. (2006)

  • 13. - Procurement Auctions 1/26

    • Scoring Rule

      • Che (1993) --- 方 元駒

    • Split Award

      • Anton, J. J., & Yao, D. A. (1989) --- ボロル

    • <References>

      • Milgrom: Ch6 "Auctions in Context"

      • *Wilson, R. (1979)

      • Anton, J. J., & Yao, D. A. (1992)

      • Asker, J., & Cantillon, E. (2008)

      • Branco, F. (1997)

      • Dana, J. D., & Spier, K. E. (1994)

論文 | Papers

  • Adams, W. J., & Yellen, J. L. (1976). Commodity bundling and the burden of monopoly. The quarterly journal of economics, 475-498.

  • Alesina, A., & Drazen, A. (1991). Why Are Stabilizations Delayed?. The American Economic Review, 81(5), 1170-1188.

  • Anton, J. J., & Yao, D. A. (1992). Coordination in split award auctions. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 681-707.

  • Anton, J. J., & Yao, D. A. (1989). Split awards, procurement, and innovation.The RAND Journal of Economics, 538-552.

  • Aoyagi, M. (2003). Bid rotation and collusion in repeated auctions. Journal of Economic Theory, 112(1), 79-105.

  • Ashenfelter, O. (1989). How auctions work for wine and art. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3(3), 23-36.

  • Asker, J., & Cantillon, E. (2008). Properties of scoring auctions. The RAND Journal of Economics, 39(1), 69-85.

  • Athey, S., & Bagwell, K. (2001). Optimal collusion with private information. RAND Journal of Economics, 32(3), 428-465.

  • Athey, S., Bagwell, K., & Sanchirico, C. (2004). Collusion and price rigidity. The Review of Economic Studies, 71(2), 317-349.

  • Ausubel, L. M. (2004). An efficient ascending-bid auction for multiple objects. American Economic Review, 1452-1475.

  • Ausubel, L. M. (2006). An efficient dynamic auction for heterogeneous commodities. The American economic review, 602-629.

  • Avery, C. (1998). Strategic jump bidding in English auctions. The Review of Economic Studies, 65(2), 185-210.

  • Bajari, P., & Hortacsu, A. (2003). The winner's curse, reserve prices, and endogenous entry: Empirical insights from eBay auctions. RAND Journal of Economics, 329-355.

  • Bajari, P., & Ye, L. (2003). Deciding between competition and collusion. Review of Economics and Statistics, 85(4), 971-989.

  • Branco, F. (1997). The design of multidimensional auctions. The RAND Journal of Economics, 63-81.

  • Brown, J., & Morgan, J. (2009). How much is a dollar worth? Tipping versus equilibrium coexistence on competing online auction sites. Journal of Political Economy, 117(4), 668-700.

  • Brusco, S., & Lopomo, G. (2002). Collusion via signalling in simultaneous ascending bid auctions with heterogeneous objects, with and without complementarities. The Review of Economic Studies, 69(2), 407-436.

  • Budish, E. B., & Takeyama, L. N. (2001). Buy prices in online auctions: irrationality on the internet?. Economics letters, 72(3), 325-333.

  • Bulow, J., & Klemperer, P. (1996). Auctions Versus Negotiations. The American Economic Review, 86(1), 180-194.

  • Bulow, J., & Klemperer, P. (1999). The generalized war of attrition. The American Economic Review, 89(1), 175.

  • Bulow, J., & Klemperer, P. (2009). Why do sellers (usually) prefer auctions?. The American Economic Review, 99(4), 1544-1575.

  • Bulow, J., & Roberts, J. (1989). The simple economics of optimal auctions. The Journal of Political Economy, 1060-1090.

  • Calzolari, G., & Pavan, A. (2006). On the optimality of privacy in sequential contracting. Journal of Economic Theory, 130(1), 168-204.

  • Chatterjee, K., & Samuelson, W. (1983). Bargaining under incomplete information. Operations Research, 31(5), 835-851.

  • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. (1998a). Standard auctions with financially constrained bidders. The Review of Economic Studies, 65(1), 1-21.

  • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. L. (1998b). Caps on political lobbying. The american economic review, 88(3), 643-651.

  • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. (2000a). The optimal mechanism for selling to a budget-constrained buyer. Journal of Economic Theory, 92(2), 198-233.

  • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. (2000b). Difference-form contests and the robustness of all-pay auctions. Games and Economic Behavior, 30(1), 22-43.

  • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. (2003). Optimal design of research contests. The American Economic Review, 93(3), 646-671.

  • Che, Y. K., Gale, I., & Kim, J. (2013). Assigning Resources to Budget-Constrained Agents. Review of Economic Studies, 80(1), 73-107.

  • Che, Y. K., & Kim, J. (2006). Robustly Collusion‐Proof Implementation. Econometrica, 74(4), 1063-1107.

  • Che, Y. K., & Kim, J. (2009). Optimal collusion-proof auctions. Journal of Economic Theory, 144(2), 565-603.

  • Cremer, J., & McLean, R. P. (1988). Full extraction of the surplus in Bayesian and dominant strategy auctions. Econometrica, 1247-1257.

  • Dana, J. D., & Spier, K. E. (1994). Designing a private industry: Government auctions with endogenous market structure. Journal of public economics, 53(1), 127-147.

  • Dasgupta, P., & Maskin, E. (2000). Efficient auctions. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 341-388.

  • d'Aspremont, C., & Gérard-Varet, L. A. (1979). Incentives and incomplete information. Journal of Public economics, 11(1), 25-45.

  • Easley, R. F., & Tenorio, R. (2004). Jump bidding strategies in Internet auctions. Management Science, 50(10), 1407-1419.

  • Edelman, B., Ostrovsky, M., & Schwarz, M. (2007). Internet Advertising and the Generalized Second-Price Auction: Selling Billions of Dollars Worth of Keywords. American Economic Review, 97(1), 242-259.

  • Ely, J. C., & Hossain, T. (2009). Sniping and squatting in auction markets. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 68-94.

  • Fudenberg, D., & Tirole, J. (1986). A theory of exit in duopoly. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 943-960.

  • Gallien, J., & Gupta, S. (2007). Temporary and permanent buyout prices in online auctions. Management Science, 53(5), 814-833.

  • Garratt, R., & Tröger, T. (2006). Speculation in standard auctions with resale. Econometrica, 74(3), 753-769.

  • Garratt, R. J., Tröger, T., & Zheng, C. Z. (2009). Collusion via resale. Econometrica, 77(4), 1095-1136.

  • Ghose, A., & Yang, S. (2009). An empirical analysis of search engine advertising: Sponsored search in electronic markets. Management Science,55(10), 1605-1622.

  • Graham, D. A., & Marshall, R. C. (1987). Collusive bidder behavior at single-object second-price and English auctions. Journal of Political economy, 95(6), 1217-1239.

  • Grossman, G. M., & Helpman, E. (1994). Protection for Sale. American Economic Review, 84(4), 833-850.

  • Gupta, M., & Lebrun, B. (1999). First price auctions with resale. Economics Letters, 64(2), 181-185.

  • Hafalir, I., & Krishna, V. (2008). Asymmetric Auctions with Resale. American Economic Review, 98(1), 87-112.

  • Haile, P. A. (2003). Auctions with private uncertainty and resale opportunities.Journal of Economic Theory, 108(1), 72-110.

  • Hendricks, K., Porter, R., & Tan, G. (2008). Bidding rings and the winner's curse. The RAND Journal of Economics, 39(4), 1018-1041.

  • Hossain, T., & Morgan, J. (2006). ... plus shipping and handling: Revenue (non) equivalence in field experiments on ebay. Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy, 5(2).

  • Jehiel, P., & Moldovanu, B. (2001). Efficient design with interdependent valuations. Econometrica, 69(5), 1237-1259.

  • Kagel, J. H., & Levin, D. (1986). The winner's curse and public information in common value auctions. The American economic review, 894-920.

  • Klemperer, P. (1998). Auctions with almost common values: The Wallet Game and its applications. European Economic Review, 42(3), 757-769.

  • Klemperer, P. (2002). What really matters in auction design. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16(1), 169-189.

  • Laffont, J. J., & Martimort, D. (2000). Mechanism design with collusion and correlation. Econometrica, 68(2), 309-342.

  • Levin, D., & Smith, J. L. (1994). Equilibrium in auctions with entry. The American Economic Review, 585-599.

  • Li, T., & Zheng, X. (2009). Entry and competition effects in first-price auctions: theory and evidence from procurement auctions. The Review of Economic Studies, 76(4), 1397-1429.

  • Marshall, R. C., & Marx, L. M. (2007). Bidder collusion. Journal of Economic Theory, 133(1), 374-402.

  • Mathews, T. (2004). The impact of discounting on an auction with a buyout option: a theoretical analysis motivated by eBay’s buy-it-now feature. Journal of Economics, 81(1), 25-52.

  • McAfee, R. P. (1992). A dominant strategy double auction. Journal of economic Theory, 56(2), 434-450.

  • McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1987). Auctions with entry. Economics Letters,23(4), 343-347.

  • McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1992). Bidding rings. The American Economic Review, 579-599.

  • McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1996). Analyzing the airwaves auction. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10(1), 159-175.

  • Melnik, M. I., & Alm, J. (2002). Does a seller’s ecommerce reputation matter? Evidence from eBay auctions. The journal of industrial economics, 50(3), 337-349.

  • Milgrom, P. R., & Weber, R. J. (1982). A theory of auctions and competitive bidding. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1089-1122.

  • Moldovanu, B., & Sela, A. (2001). The optimal allocation of prizes in contests. American Economic Review, 542-558.

  • Mookherjee, D., & Reichelstein, S. (1992). Dominant strategy implementation of Bayesian incentive compatible allocation rules. Journal of Economic Theory, 56(2), 378-399.

  • Mussa, M., & Rosen, S. (1978). Monopoly and product quality. Journal of Economic theory, 18(2), 301-317.

  • Myerson, R. B. (1981). Optimal auction design. Mathematics of operations research, 6(1), 58-73.

  • Myerson, R. B., & Satterthwaite, M. A. (1983). Efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading. Journal of economic theory, 29(2), 265-281.

  • Pai, M. M., & Vohra, R. (2014). Optimal auctions with financially constrained buyers. Journal of Economic Theory, 150, 383-425.

  • Perry, M., & Reny, P. J. (1999). On the Failure of the Linkage Principle in Multi‐unit Auctions. Econometrica, 67(4), 895-900.

  • Perry, M., & Reny, P. J. (2002). An efficient auction. Econometrica, 70(3), 1199-1212.

  • Pesendorfer, M. (2000). A study of collusion in first-price auctions. The Review of Economic Studies, 67(3), 381-411.

  • Peters, M., & Severinov, S. (1997). Competition among sellers who offer auctions instead of prices. Journal of Economic Theory, 75(1), 141-179.

  • Peters, M., & Severinov, S. (2006). Internet auctions with many traders. Journal of Economic Theory, 130(1), 220-245.

  • Porter, R. H., & Zona, J. D. (1993). Detection of Bid Rigging in Procurement Auctions. Journal of Political Economy, 518-538.

  • Rassenti, S. J., Smith, V. L., & Bulfin, R. L. (1982). A combinatorial auction mechanism for airport time slot allocation. The Bell Journal of Economics, 402-417.

  • Reny, P. J., & Perry, M. (2006). Toward a strategic foundation for rational expectations equilibrium. Econometrica, 74(5), 1231-1269.

  • Riley, J. G., & Samuelson, W. F. (1981). Optimal auctions. The American Economic Review, 71(3), 381-392.

  • Robinson, M. S. (1985). Collusion and the Choice of Auction. The RAND Journal of Economics, 141-145.

  • Roth, A. E., & Ockenfels, A. (2002). Last minute bidding and the rules for ending second price auctions: evidence from ebay and amazon auctions on the internet. American economic review, 92(4), 1093-1103.

  • Samuelson, W. F. (1985). Competitive bidding with entry costs. Economics Letters, 17(1-2), 53-57.

  • Shubik, M. (1971). The dollar auction game: A paradox in noncooperative behavior and escalation. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 109-111.

  • Siegel, R. (2009). All‐Pay Contests. Econometrica, 77(1), 71-92.

  • Varian, H. R. (2007). Position auctions. international Journal of industrial Organization, 25(6), 1163-1178.

  • Vickrey, W. (1961). Counterspeculation, auctions, and competitive sealed tenders. The Journal of finance, 16(1), 8-37.

  • Wilson, R. (1977). A bidding model of perfect competition. The Review of Economic Studies, 511-518.

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