Cooperative Game Theory (2023 1st)

Special Studies in Economics | Cooperative Game Theory: Introduction and Practice 


Last Update: July 19, 2023 

Announcement | お知らせ  

Course Objective and Content | 講義概要・目的  

Learning Goals | 学習目標  

Requirement / Prerequisite | 履修条件・受講条件

Grading Policy | 成績評価 

Textbooks | 講義テキスト

Course Schedule | 講義日程 

(The instructor will give lectures 1, 2, and 3. All the rest consists of students' presentations.)

Lecture 1. Introduction  April 17

Lecture 2. Bargaining (slidesApril 24 

Lecture 3. TU Games (slidesMay 8 

Lecture 4. The Core May 15, 22 

Lecture 5. Bargaining Sets  May 22, 29, June 12  

Lecture 6. The Shapley Value  June 19, 26 

Lecture  NTU Games  July 10 


Lecture 8. The Core of NTU Games  TBA  

Lecture 9. The Shapley Value of NTU Games  TBA 

Lecture 10. Perfectly Competitive Economies  TBA

Lecture 11. Imperfectly Competitive Economies  TBA

Lecture 12. Cost Allocation  TBA 

Lecture 13. Ethics (or Politics)  TBA

Lecture 14-15. Applications  TBA

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