
講義日程(旧版) | Course Schedule - Concise (Old Version)



Single-Object Auctions: Basic Theory

  • 1. - Equilibrium Bidding 10/6

    • Introduction

      • Krishna: Ch1

    • Private Value Auctions

      • Krishna: Ch2

    • <References>

      • *Vickrey, W. (1961)

  • 2. - Mechanism Design

    • The Revenue Equivalence Principle 10/13

      • Krishna: Ch3

    • Mechanism Design 10/27

      • Krishna: Ch5

    • <References>

      • *Myerson, R. B. (1981)

      • Bulow, J., & Roberts, J. (1989)

      • Riley, J. G., & Samuelson, W. F. (1981)

  • 3. - Interdependent Values

    • Auctions with Interdependent Values 11/10

      • Krishna: Ch6

    • The Revenue Ranking ("Linkage") Principle 11/17

      • Krishna: Ch7

    • <References>

      • *Milgrom, P. R., & Weber, R. J. (1982)

      • Kagel, J. H., & Levin, D. (1986)

      • Perry, M., & Reny, P. J. (1999)

Single-Object Auctions: Extension

  • 4. - Bidding Rings

    • Weak and Strong Cartels 11/24

      • McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1992)

      • Marshall, R. C., & Marx, L. M. (2007)

    • Collusion-Proof Mechanism 12/1

      • Che, Y. K., & Kim, J. (2006)

    • Winner's Curse 12/1

      • Hendricks, K., Porter, R., & Tan, G. (2008)

    • <References>

      • Krishna: Ch11 "Bidding Rings"

      • Bajari, P., & Ye, L. (2003)

      • Che, Y. K., & Kim, J. (2009)

      • Graham, D. A., & Marshall, R. C. (1987)

      • Pesendorfer, M. (2000)

      • Porter, R. H., & Zona, J. D. (1993)

      • Robinson, M. S. (1985)

  • 5. - Auctions in Context

    • Entry Fee

      • Levin, D., & Smith, J. L. (1994)

      • Li, T., & Zheng, X. (2009)

    • Resale

      • Haile, P. A. (2003)

      • Garratt, R., & Tröger, T. (2006)

    • <References>

      • Milgrom: Ch6 "Auctions in Context"

      • Garratt, R. J., Tröger, T., & Zheng, C. Z. (2009)

      • Gupta, M., & Lebrun, B. (1999)

      • Hafalir, I., & Krishna, V. (2008)

      • McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1987)

      • Samuelson, W. F. (1985)

      • Zheng, C. Z. (2002)

  • 6. - Internet Auctions

    • Sniping

      • Roth, A. E., & Ockenfels, A. (2002)

    • Buy Price (Buyout or Buy-it-now) Option

      • Mathews, T. (2004)

    • <References>

      • Bajari, P., & Hortacsu, A. (2003)

      • Brown, J., & Morgan, J. (2009)

      • Budish, E. B., & Takeyama, L. N. (2001)

      • Ely, J. C., & Hossain, T. (2009)

      • Gallien, J., & Gupta, S. (2007)

      • Hossain, T., & Morgan, J. (2006)

      • Melnik, M. I., & Alm, J. (2002)

      • Peters, M., & Severinov, S. (2006)

  • 7. - Procurement Auctions

    • Scoring Rule

      • Che (1993)

    • Split Award

      • Anton, J. J., & Yao, D. A. (1989)

    • <References>

      • Milgrom: Ch6 "Auctions in Context"

      • Anton, J. J., & Yao, D. A. (1992)

      • Asker, J., & Cantillon, E. (2008)

      • Branco, F. (1997)

      • Dana, J. D., & Spier, K. E. (1994)

Multiple-Object Auctions

  • 8. - Uniform Price Auctions

    • Uniform Price Sealed-Bid Auctions

      • Milgrom: Ch7.1

    • Simultaneous Ascending Auctions

      • Milgrom: Ch7.2

    • <References>

      • 坂井: 第3章「国債オークション」(池邉暢平・坂井豊貴)

      • Brusco, S., & Lopomo, G. (2002)

  • 9. - Sequential Sales

    • Sequential First Price Auctions

      • Krishna: Ch15.1

    • Sequential Second Price Auctions

      • Krishna: Ch15.2

    • <References>

      • Ashenfelter, O. (1989)

  • 10. - Efficient Auctions

    • Two Stage Mechanism

      • Perry, M., & Reny, P. J. (2002)

    • Dynamic Mechanism

      • Ausubel, L. M. (2004)

    • <References>

      • Ausubel, L. M. (2006)

      • Dasgupta, P., & Maskin, E. (2000)

      • Jehiel, P., & Moldovanu, B. (2001)

  • 11. - Spectrum Auctions

    • FCC Auctions

      • McAfee, R. P., & McMillan, J. (1996)

    • European 3G Auctions

      • Klemperer, P. (2002)

    • <References>

      • Rassenti, S. J., Smith, V. L., & Bulfin, R. L. (1982)

  • 12. - Financial Constraints

    • Non-Market Mechanism

      • Che, Y. K., Gale, I., & Kim, J. (2013)

    • Optimal Mechanism

      • Pai, M. M., & Vohra, R. (2014)

    • <References>

      • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. (1998a)

      • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. L. (1998b)

      • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. (2000a)

Nonidentical-Object Auctions

  • 13. - VCG Mechanisms

    • Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Mechanisms

      • Milgrom: Ch2

    • <References>

      • 坂井: 第1章「グローヴスメカニズム」(坂井豊貴)

  • 14. - Package Bidding

    • Vickrey Auctions and the Monotonicity Problems

      • Milgrom: Ch8.1

    • Ausubel-Milgrom Ascending Proxy Auctions

      • Milgrom: Ch8.3

    • <References>

      • 坂井: 第2章「コア選択オークション」(佐野隆司)

      • Yokoo, M., Sakurai, Y., & Matsubara, S. (2004)

  • 15. - Sponsored Search Auctions

    • Position Auctions

      • Krishna: Ch17.2

      • Varian, H. R. (2007)

    • <References>

      • Edelman, B., Ostrovsky, M., & Schwarz, M. (2007)

      • Ghose, A., & Yang, S. (2009)

Other Possible Topics

To be written...

  • War of Attrition

    • Dollar Auction

      • Shubik, M. (1971)

    • Exit Game

      • Fudenberg, D., & Tirole, J. (1986)

    • <References>

      • Alesina, A., & Drazen, A. (1991)

      • Bulow, J., & Klemperer, P. (1999)

      • Klemperer, P. (1998)

  • Winner's Curse

    • Bajari, P., & Hortacsu, A. (2003)

    • Hendricks, K., Porter, R., & Tan, G. (2008)

    • Kagel, J. H., & Levin, D. (1986)

  • Negotiation

    • Bulow, J., & Klemperer, P. (1996)

    • Bulow, J., & Klemperer, P. (2009)

    • Calzolari, G., & Pavan, A. (2006)

  • Contest

    • *Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. (2003)

    • Che, Y. K., & Gale, I. (2000b)

    • Moldovanu, B., & Sela, A. (2001)

    • Siegel, R. (2009)

  • Jump Bidding

    • *Avery, C. (1998)

    • Easley, R. F., & Tenorio, R. (2004)

  • Repeated Auctions

    • *Athey, S., & Bagwell, K. (2001)

    • Aoyagi, M. (2003)

    • Athey, S., Bagwell, K., & Sanchirico, C. (2004)

  • Double Auctions

    • *Wilson, R. (1985)

    • McAfee, R. P. (1992)

    • Reny, P. J., & Perry, M. (2006)

  • Menu Auctions

    • *Bernheim-Whinston (1986)

    • Grossman, G. M., & Helpman, E. (1994)

  • Seller Competition

    • Peters, M., & Severinov, S. (1997)

  • Empirical Studies

    • Bajari, P., & Hortacsu, A. (2003)

    • Bajari, P., & Ye, L. (2003)

    • Ghose, A., & Yang, S. (2009)

    • Hendricks, K., Porter, R., & Tan, G. (2008)

    • Li, T., & Zheng, X. (2009)

    • Melnik, M. I., & Alm, J. (2002)

    • Pesendorfer, M. (2000)

    • Porter, R. H., & Zona, J. D. (1993)

  • その他の関連図書 (上の本ほど難易度が高めです)

    • Cramton, P. C., Shoham, Y., & Steinberg, R. (Eds.). (2006). Combinatorial auctions (Vol. 475). Cambridge: MIT press. Amazon

      • 組み合わせオークションに関するサーベイ論文集。

    • 坂井豊貴(編著), メカニズムデザインと意思決定のフロンティア, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2014. Amazon

    • Paarsch, Harry J., and Han Hong. "An introduction to the structural econometrics of auction data." MIT Press Books 1 (2006).

      • オークションの実証研究(構造推計)に関する中〜上級テキスト。

    • Flavio M. Menezes and Paulo K. Monteiro, An Introduction to Auction Theory, 2008. Amazon

      • Krishnaよりも難易度が低い、学部上級向けのオークション理論テキスト。

    • David J. Salant, A Primer on Auction Design, Management, and Strategy, 2014. Amazon
