
メカニズムデザイン | Mechanism Design

経済学特論 | Special Lectures in Economics

  • 時間: 月・木曜日 10:30-12:00

    • 10〜11月の二ヶ月間の短期開講になります

  • 教室: 法経・第4番教室(変更の可能性アリ)

    • 10/1, 5, 8, 12はオンライン講義になります。

    • 10/15以降の講義を対面、オンラインにするかは履修者の状況をみて判断します。

  • 講師: 安田洋祐(yosuke.yasuda<at>gmail.com)

最終更新日: 2020年11月16日

お知らせ | Announcement

  • [2020/9/28] --- 初回講義は10月1日です。最初の2週間(計4回)については、Zoomを使ってオンラインで行います。履修学生にはZoomのURLをメールにて送ります。履修しているにも関わらず、講義当日の10時までに連絡が届いていない場合には、安田まで問合せて下さい。

  • [2020/1/19] --- 講義は原則として日本語で行います。ただし、質問・ディスカッションは英語で行っても構いません。

講義概要・目的 | Course Objective and Content

  • 近年、理論と実践の両面において発展が著しいメカニズムデザイン/遂行理論について学びます。

  • 優れた日本語のテキストである坂井[2014], 佐野[2019], 坂井・藤中・若山[2008]を輪読します。

  • この分野の研究スタイルに慣れ、関連論文を読みこなす力を身につけるのが目的です。

  • 学部上級レベルのミクロ経済学の知識を前提とします。抽象的な数理モデルの記述や、数学的な定理の証明などを行いますので、この手の作業が苦手な方にはしんどい講義になるでしょう。目安として、たとえば「厚生経済学の第一基本定理の証明を(解説を読んでも)ほとんど理解できない」という方には履修をおすすめしません。

成績評価 | Grading Policy

  • クラス内での発表と期末レポートで評価します。

  • 発表について

    • 発表でスライド資料を使う場合は、使用言語は英語または日本語でお願いします。

    • 一人につき、報告45分(質疑応答15分程度)の長さを目安に準備してください。

    • 聴講のみの学生にも一回は発表してもらいます。

  • 期末レポートについて

    • 次のいずれかを2〜5ページ程度にまとめてe-mailに添付して提出してください。

      • メカニズムデザインに関する研究アイデアや論文(の原型)

      • 講義で直接カバーしなかった関連論文・書籍などに関するコメント

      • 関連するトピックのサーベイ

    • 使用言語は、日本語・英語どちらでも構いません。

    • 聴講のみの学生は提出しなくて構いません。

    • 提出期限は【11月30日】とします。

講義テキスト | Textbooks

  • 教科書 | Main Textbooks

      • [SFW]:坂井豊貴, 藤中裕二, 若山琢磨[2008]. メカニズムデザイン. ミネルヴァ書房. Amazon

    • [Sano]:佐野隆司[2019]. 収入最大化のメカニズムデザイン. 三菱経済研究所. CiNii

    • [Sakai]:坂井豊貴[2014]. 準線形環境におけるメカニズムデザイン. 三菱経済研究所. CiNii

    • [Sakai_Ed]:坂井豊貴編[2014]. メカニズムデザインと意思決定のフロンティア. 慶應義塾大学出版会. Amazon

  • 参考図書 | Related Books

    • Krishna, V., Auction Theory: 2nd, 2009. Amazon

      • A standard and balanced textbook on auction theory at graduate level.

    • Milgrom, P., Putting Auction Theory to Work, 2004. Amazon 日本語訳

      • An advanced textbook on auctions that also cover lots of applications and mechanism design issues.

    • Borgers, T., An Introduction to the Theory of Mechanism Design, 2015. Amazon

      • A rigorous textbook which covers variety of issues on mechanism design.

    • Vulkan, N., Roth, A. E. and Neeman, Z. (Eds.), The Handbook of Market Design, 2013. Amazon

      • A reference handbook on market design both on theory and applications.

    • Hubbard, T. P. and Paarsch, H. J., Auctions, 2016. Amazon 日本語訳

      • A great introductory textbook on auction without any complicated mathematics.

講義日程 | Course Schedule

(Lectures 1 and 2 will be given by the instructor. All the rest consists of students' presentations.)

Lecture 1. Introduction 10/1

    • Slides

Lecture 2. Auction and Mechanism Design 10/5

    • Slides


Lecture 3. Ch1: Groves Mechanism 10/8

  • 報告者 --- 方 Slides

  • 関連文献

    • Jackson, M. O. (2014)

    • Moulin, H. (1986). Characterizations of the pivotal mechanism. Journal of Public Economics, 31(1), 53-78.

    • Suijs, J. (1996). On incentive compatibility and budget balancedness in public decision making. Economic design, 2(1), 193-209.

Lecture 4. Ch2: Axiomatic Characterization 10/12

  • 報告者 --- 王 Slides

  • 関連文献

    • Holmström, B. (1979)

Lecture 5. Ch3-4: Application and Implementation 10/15

  • 報告者 --- テイ slides

  • 関連文献

    • Sakai, T. (2012). Fair waste pricing: an axiomatic analysis to the NIMBY problem. Economic Theory, 50(2), 499-521.

    • Tadenuma, K., & Thomson, W. (1993). The fair allocation of an indivisible good when monetary compensations are possible. Mathematical Social Sciences, 25(2), 117-132.

    • Tadenuma, K., & Thomson, W. (1995). Games of fair division. Games and Economic Behavior, 9(2), 191-204.


Lecture 6. Ch1: Bilateral Trading 10/19

  • 報告者 --- 許 slides

  • 関連文献

    • 伊藤秀史[2003]. 契約の経済理論. 有斐閣

    • Bulow, J., & Roberts, J. (1989). The simple economics of optimal auctions. Journal of political economy, 97(5), 1060-1090.

      • Riley, J., & Zeckhauser, R. (1983). Optimal selling strategies: When to haggle, when to hold firm. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 98(2), 267-289.

Lecture 7. Ch2: Auctions 10/22

  • 報告者 --- 周 slides

  • 関連文献

      • Myerson, R. B. (1981)

    • Riley, J. G., & Samuelson, W. F. (1981)

    • Edelman, B., Ostrovsky, M., & Schwarz, M. (2007). Internet advertising and the generalized second-price auction: Selling billions of dollars worth of keywords. American economic review, 97(1), 242-259.

    • Varian, H. R. (2007). Position auctions. international Journal of industrial Organization, 25(6), 1163-1178.

Lecture 8. Ch3: Dynamic Mechanism Design 10/26

  • 報告者 --- 李 slides

  • 関連文献

    • Bergemann, D., & Välimäki, J. (2010). The dynamic pivot mechanism. Econometrica, 78(2), 771-789.

    • Courty, P., & Hao, L. (2000). Sequential screening. The Review of Economic Studies, 67(4), 697-717.

    • Demange, G., Gale, D., & Sotomayor, M. (1986). Multi-item auctions. Journal of political economy, 94(4), 863-872.


Lecture 9. Ch1: Social Choice and Implementation 10/29

  • 報告者 --- 孫

  • 関連文献

    • Maskin, E. (1977, 1999)

    • Abreu, D., & Matsushima, H. (1992). Virtual implementation in iteratively undominated strategies: complete information. Econometrica, 993-1008.

      • Jackson, M. O. (1992). Implementation in undominated strategies: A look at bounded mechanisms. The Review of Economic Studies, 59(4), 757-775.

      • Moore, J., & Repullo, R. (1988). Subgame perfect implementation. Econometrica, 1191-1220.

    • Saijo, T. (1988). Strategy space reduction in Maskin's theorem: sufficient conditions for Nash implementation. Econometrica, 693-700.

    • Saijo, T., Tatamitani, Y., & Yamato, T. (1996). Toward natural implementation. International Economic Review, 949-980.

Lecture 10. Ch3: Exchange Economy 11/2

  • 報告者 --- 許 slides

  • 関連文献

    • Dasgupta, P., Hammond, P., & Maskin, E. (1979)

    • Hurwicz, L., Maskin, E., & Postlewaite, A. (1995). Feasible Nash implementation of social choice rules when the designer does not know endowments or production sets. In The Economics of Informational Decentralization: Complexity, Efficiency, and Stability (pp. 367-433). Springer, Boston, MA.

    • Serizawa, S. (2002). Inefficiency of strategy-proof rules for pure exchange economies. Journal of Economic Theory, 106(2), 219-241.

    • Tian, G. (1992). Implementation of the Walrasian correspondence without continuous, convex, and ordered preferences. Social Choice and Welfare, 9(2), 117-130.

Lecture 11. New: College Admission + Student Replacement 11/5

  • 報告者 --- 方 slides

    • Fang Y. (2020). Chinese parallel mechanism with dummy quota policy. mimeo.

  • 関連文献

      • Abdulkadiroğlu, A., & Sönmez, T. (2003). School choice: A mechanism design approach. American economic review, 93(3), 729-747.

      • Balinski, M., & Sönmez, T. (1999). A tale of two mechanisms: Student placement. Journal of Economic theory, 84(1), 73-94.

      • Chen, Y., & Kesten, O. (2017). Chinese college admissions and school choice reforms: A theoretical analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 125(1), 99-139.

      • Chen, Y., & Kesten, O. (2019). Chinese college admissions and school choice reforms: An experimental study. Games and Economic Behavior, 115, 83-100.

      • Zhu, M. (2014). College admissions in China: A mechanism design perspective. China Economic Review, 30, 618-631.

Lecture 12. Ch7: Matching 11/9

  • 報告者 --- テイ slides

  • 関連文献

    • Alcalde, J. (1996). Implementation of stable solutions to marriage problems. Journal of Economic Theory, 69(1), 240-254.

    • Dubins, L. E., & Freedman, D. A. (1981). Machiavelli and the Gale-Shapley algorithm. The American Mathematical Monthly, 88(7), 485-494.

    • Gale, D., & Shapley, L. S. (1962). College admissions and the stability of marriage. The American Mathematical Monthly, 69(1), 9-15.

    • Hatfield, J. W., & Milgrom, P. R. (2005). Matching with contracts. American Economic Review, 95(4), 913-935.

    • Kara, T., & Sönmez, T. (1996). Nash implementation of matching rules. journal of economic theory, 68(2), 425-439.


Lecture 13. Ch 4: Optimal Signal 11/12

  • 報告者 --- 周 slides

  • 関連文献

    • Bergemann, D., & Morris, S. (2013). Robust predictions in games with incomplete information. Econometrica, 81(4), 1251-1308.

    • Bergemann, D., & Morris, S. (2016). Bayes correlated equilibrium and the comparison of information structures in games. Theoretical Economics, 11(2), 487-522.

    • Gentzkow, M., & Kamenica, E. (2016). Competition in persuasion. The Review of Economic Studies, 84(1), 300-322.

    • Kamenica, E., & Gentzkow, M. (2011). Bayesian persuasion. American Economic Review, 101(6), 2590-2615.

    • Rayo, L., & Segal, I. (2010). Optimal information disclosure. Journal of political Economy, 118(5), 949-987.

Lecture 14. Ch 5: Stated Preference Method 11/16

  • 報告者 --- 李 slides

  • 関連文献

    • TBA

Lecture 15. New: TBA 11/19

  • 報告者 --- 川中

    • Filiz-Ozbay, Emel, and Erkut Y. Ozbay. "Auctions with anticipated regret: Theory and experiment." American Economic Review 97.4 (2007): 1407-1418.

    • Cason, Timothy N., and Charles R. Plott. "Misconceptions and game form recognition: Challenges to theories of revealed preference and framing." Journal of Political Economy 122.6 (2014): 1235-1270.

  • 関連文献

    • TBA

関連論文 | Related Papers

  • サーベイ論文 | Survey Articles

    • Jackson, M. O. (2014). Mechanism Theory. Available at SSRN#2542983.

    • Jackson, M. O. (2001). A crash course in implementation theory. Social Choice and Welfare, 18(4), 655-708.

    • Moore, J. (1992). Implementation, contracts, and renegotiation in environments with complete information. Advances in Economic Theory, 1, 182-281.

    • Barbera, S. (2001). An introduction to strategy-proof social choice functions. Social Choice and Welfare, 18(4), 619-653.

    • Maskin, E., & Sjöström, T. (2002). Implementation theory. Handbook of social Choice and Welfare, 1, 237-288.

    • Palfrey, T. R. (2002). Implementation theory. Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications, 3, 2271-2326.

    • Maskin, E. S. (2008). Mechanism design: How to implement social goals. American Economic Review, 98(3), 567-76.

    • Myerson, R. B. (2008). Perspectives on mechanism design in economic theory. American Economic Review, 98(3), 586-603.

    • Bergemann, D., & Morris, S. (2019). Information design: A unified perspective. Journal of Economic Literature, 57(1), 44-95.

    • Bergemann, D., & Välimäki, J. (2019). Dynamic mechanism design: An introduction. Journal of Economic Literature, 57(2), 235-74.

  • 古典文献 | Classic Papers

    • Baron, D. P., & Myerson, R. B. (1982). Regulating a monopolist with unknown costs. Econometrica, 911-930.

    • Clarke, E. H. (1971). Multipart pricing of public goods. Public choice, 11(1), 17-33.

    • Dasgupta, P., Hammond, P., & Maskin, E. (1979). The implementation of social choice rules: Some general results on incentive compatibility. The Review of Economic Studies, 46(2), 185-216.

    • Gibbard, A. (1977). Manipulation of schemes that mix voting with chance. Econometrica, 665-681.

    • Green, J., & Laffont, J. J. (1977). Characterization of satisfactory mechanisms for the revelation of preferences for public goods. Econometrica, 427-438.

    • Green, J., & Laffont, J. J. (1979). Incentives in public decision-making. Elsevier North-Holland.

    • Groves, T. (1973). Incentives in teams. Econometrica, 617-631.

    • Groves, T., & Loeb, M. (1975). Incentives and public inputs. Journal of Public economics, 4(3), 211-226.

    • Holmström, B. (1979). Groves' scheme on restricted domains. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1137-1144.

    • Hurwicz, L. (1972). On informationally decentralized systems. Decision and organization: A volume in Honor of J. Marschak.

    • Maskin, E. (1977, 1999). Nash equilibrium and welfare optimality. The Review of Economic Studies, 66(1), 23-38.

    • Mussa, M., & Rosen, S. (1978). Monopoly and product quality. Journal of Economic theory, 18(2), 301-317.

    • Myerson, R. B. (1979). Incentive compatibility and the bargaining problem. Econometrica, 61-73.

    • Myerson, R. B. (1981). Optimal auction design. Mathematics of operations research, 6(1), 58-73.

    • Myerson, R. B., & Satterthwaite, M. A. (1983). Efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading. Journal of economic theory, 29(2), 265-281.

    • Riley, J. G., & Samuelson, W. F. (1981). Optimal auctions. The American Economic Review, 71(3), 381-392.

    • Satterthwaite, M. A. (1975). Strategy-proofness and Arrow's conditions: Existence and correspondence theorems for voting procedures and social welfare functions. Journal of economic theory, 10(2), 187-217.

    • Vickrey, W. (1961). Counterspeculation, auctions, and competitive sealed tenders. The Journal of finance, 16(1), 8-37.
