Traffic Lawyers Near Me Suffolk Virginia Traffic Lawyers Near Me Suffolk VA

Traffic Lawyer in Suffolk Virginia

Statistical data from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles shows that around 847 deaths occurred on Virginia roads in the year 2020. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that motor vehicle crashes are one of the main causes of death among people aged 5 to 19 years. The attorneys at the Law Offices of SRIS, P.C. are aware of the struggles faced by those charged with the offense and offer the right solution. Choosing Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia gives you the local advantage. Moreover, they explain the process and give the right solution for the situation.

In order to preserve public safety, the state of Virginia has imposed strict rules and severe punishments on those who violate them. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia state that getting booked for a road violation disrupts your personal life and can do a great deal of damage to your job (particularly if driving plays a major role in your employment).

Common Types of Traffic Violations in VA

Choosing Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia can elaborate on the common road violations and some of them are as follows:

Penalties of Traffic Violation in VA

Road rules are taken lightly because many are unaware of the consequences that befall them. It is here the role of the Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia is crucial. It is just not a few dollars of fine but jail sentence, impounding your license, criminal record, ignition lock, probation, and more that can haunt you. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that violating the law can lead to life-changing consequences. Sometimes a criminal record can become difficult to be expunged.

The Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia state that besides the court penalties, you may also have to face issues like an increase in insurance interest rates, delay or rejection of school loans, etc. Overall, a violation charge can damage your reputation, financial stability, and personal life.

Given herein is a detailed list of penalties:

Fines: The state of VA imposes a fine based on the type of violation. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia state that cases like tailgating, reckless driving, and racing could cost the accused anywhere between $50 and $200. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia further explain that offenses like DUI or DWI can cost a fine of $500 - $15,000.

Increase in Insurance Premiums: Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that every violation charge increases your auto insurance premiums by a certain percentage. For example, a DUI case could increase it by 132%, whereas a careless driving charge could increase it by 21%. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia emphasize the point that even the very first violation charge could increase the insurance rates for life.

Points: Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that VA allots points for every law being violated. A minimum of 2 points is allotted for trivial offenses like rash driving. Many serious issues could get you a maximum of 8 points. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that if you earn 6 points in less than 3 years, then you will be asked to pay a surcharge, which increases based on the total number of points you have accumulated over time. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia state that in order to get the accumulated points erased, you need to be extra careful while driving on road. For each year that you go without earning a ticket, 3 points get reduced.

Surcharge: As explained above, if you earn 6 points in less than 3 years, you will be obliged to pay an additional fine amount, called the surcharge. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that surcharge is different from the normal fine that you pay initially after being booked under the violation.

Consequences of Driving under suspension

Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that driving under suspension is considered as a Class 1 misdemeanor in Virginia, and is eligible to be booked under Criminal code Section 46.2-301.

The Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that a court can suspend a person’s license through administrative action in the following scenarios:

Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that for each of the above-stated reasons, an individual’s driving license can be suspended, and failing to abide by the rule, can lead to paying a fine of $2500 and being sentenced to jail for a period of 1 year. Traffic Lawyers near me in Suffolk Virginia explain that if a person gets caught driving while suspended, for the 3rd time in a row, he/she will be sentenced to a mandatory 10 days jail.

How can a Traffic Lawyer in Virginia Help You?

Many first-time law offenders do not understand the complexity involved in dealing with a road violation charge. A highly experienced Traffic Lawyer in Virginia near me will know how to deal with such situations and will also help reduce the penalties.

Here are some of the ways an attorney can help:

Instead of just relying on police records, choosing a good Traffic Lawyer near me in Suffolk Virginia will help in conducting personal investigation and without going by hearsay.

An experienced Traffic Lawyer near me in Suffolk Virginia will know how to defend the case and prevent an inevitable license suspension. In situations where canceling a license suspension is not possible, they will try their best to at least reduce the period of suspension.

Losing important evidence could sometimes lead to losing a case altogether. A reliable Traffic Lawyer near me in Suffolk Virginia will help retain and protect all important shreds of evidence that might help reverse the charges booked against you.

The Law Offices of SRIS, P.C. is your neighborhood lawyer who can get you out of any traffic charges ensuring your peace of mind.

Suffolk Circuit Court

P. O. Box 1604

Mills E. Godwin, Jr. Courts Bldg.

150 North Main Street

Suffolk, VA 23439-1604

Suffolk General District Court

150 North Main Street

Suffolk, VA 23434

Suffolk Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

150 North Main Street, 2nd Floor

Suffolk, VA 23434-4552