Abogados Penalistas Cerca Mí Dorchester Maryland Abogados Penalistas Cerca Mí Dorchester MD


La violencia de ninguna manera puede acabar con el dolor y el sufrimiento. Desafortunadamente, los asaltos y asesinatos se han vuelto comunes en Maryland. Las personas condenadas por asalto seguramente se meterán en problemas. Las Oficinas Legales de SRIS, PC entienden el daño que recae sobre los acusados ​​de asalto y la víctima. Las repercusiones pueden intimidar a una persona durante toda su vida, incluso después de mucho tiempo.

Los abogados penales cerca de mí, Dorchester, Maryland, describirían un asalto como un contacto físico ofensivo que hiere o mata a una persona. Pero los abogados penalistas cerca de mí, Dorchester, Maryland, no esperan lesiones en todos los casos de agresión. Incluso las amenazas orales pueden tomarse como agresión.


Violence in no way can end pain and suffering. Unfortunately, assaults and murders have become common in Maryland. People convicted of assault are sure to get into trouble. The Law Offices of SRIS, PC understands the damage that falls on those accused of assault and the victim. The repercussions can intimidate a person for a lifetime, even after a long time.

Criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland, would describe an assault as offensive physical contact that injures or kills a person. But criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland, don't expect injuries in every assault case. Even oral threats can be taken as assaultt in the first degree refers to the act of causing or attempting to cause serious bodily injury to another person. A crime of assault in the first degree can also be recorded against an offender, who is shown to have used a weapon to inflict injury or suffocation Criminal attorneys near metwo criminal justices near me, Dorchester, Maryland recognize first degree assault as a serious crime and proceed to work to reduce its consequences. This first degree crime can lead to a maximum prison sentence of 25 years. The criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland are well aware of the fact that a criminal assault conviction is almost as serious as a murder conviction.

second degree assault

Criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland describe assault in the second degree as the act of inducing or attempting to induce offensive bodily contact with another person. The criminal attorneys near me Dorchester Maryland are sure to be aware of the seriousness of second degree assault as a misdemeanor. Therefore, a person who is found guilty of this crime must serve a prison sentence of a maximum of 10 years. Along with jail time, the violator will also be required to pay a fine of $2,500.

Handling a bogus charge

An assault charge should be handled under the guidance of experienced criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland. A falsely charged assault accusation should also be handled carefully under the guidance of skilled criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland. Even if the offender has valid justifications and claims to have acted in self-defense, the charge of assault never changes or dissolves by itself. Only skilled criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland have the qualifications and experience to expose and remove false accusations. Therefore, it is important to have criminal attorneys near me in Dorchester, Maryland while facing assault charges.

An assault charge, regardless of whether it is 1st or 2nd degree in kind, should be handled under the direction of competent criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland.

Criminal lawyers representing victims.

Proceeding with the case, the criminal attorney has to prove the following:

The safety of the public is at risk and not just the victim

The defendants' threats were dangerous and offensive, calling into question the safety of the victim.

To prove that the contact was made against the consent of the victim.

Weapons used during first degree assault can become strong evidence of assault.

Collect documents and evidence from the prosecutor and examine them for use against the accused.

The attorney can report any ambiguity in the case and use it to your advantage.

The Importance of Defense Criminal Lawyers Near Me Dorchester Maryland

The most important factor and advantage of hiring criminal lawyers near me Dorchester Maryland is the defense. A good defense can turn the tide during hearings and court proceedings. The criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland, are capable of creating and presenting the proper defense. A strong defense is usually supported by legitimate and appropriate evidence such as video footage, eyewitness testimony, photographic evidence, etc. Dilution of a serious charge is the next big thing that can only be achieved by hiring criminal lawyers near me Dorchester Maryland.

A case revolves around many crucial facts and elements. A case can be handled in the right way only when every aspect of it is analyzed and investigated by skilled criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland. A lawsuit must be approached from the perspective of all its participants. Criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland, can approach a case from the perspective of a defendant, a plaintiff, and even the judges. Supporting witnesses for an opposing party should also be cross-examined to ensure that the former's testimony is not fabricated or influenced by the latter. Criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland, can help ensure the legitimacy of opposing parties' claims. In several cases,

Strategies to reduce the sentence of the accused

Any ambiguity in the statements made by the prosecutor can be identified and reported only when supported by experienced criminal attorneys near me, Dorchester, Maryland. In addition, they can also negotiate with state prosecutors to reduce first-degree assault charges to second-degree assault convictions, since a watered-down charge is always better than a serious indictment. But this reduction is not always easy as it requires the collection of facts and supporting documents.

The Law Offices of SRIS, PC handle trials effectively. So, don't hesitate to get guidance from qualified criminal attorneys near me in Dorchester, Maryland, whether you're charged with a victim.

Dorchester County Circuit Court

main street 206

Cambridge, MD 21613

District Court of Dorchester County of Maryland

Calle Gay 310 - PO BOX 547,

Cambridge, Maryland 21613-1898

Dorchester County Orphans Court

main street 206

Cambridge, MD 21613