Family Law Attorney Near Me In Upper Marlboro Maryland Family Law Attorney Near Me In Upper Marlboro MD

A Comprehensive Solution to put an end to Family Issues

Divorce seems to be the most commonly taken decision when a relationship reaches a dead end. Though, it may not be the best decision taken at times it is a “must-take- decision” if it gives peace to you and your loved ones. Though, the bug doesn’t stop here. After being divorced, the very next thing that worries the parents is “child custody” involving the interference of Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland. 

Divorce is not only emotionally taxing for the partners involved but it also greatly impacts the minds and lives of the kids. The Law Offices of SRIS, P.C. have handled hundreds of family law cases and can be your best bet in such circumstances. Choosing Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland can give you an understanding of the local laws.

Child Custody is not just about where the child should live after the parents are divorced, but it has lot more factors involved. Like many other states in the US, the state of Maryland determines custody based on the best interest of the child. Hiring a Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland is advisable since only a native will be able to help you understand the local laws better.

Understanding the intricacies in a divorce

There are 2 types of divorce in Maryland; it is Absolute Divorce and Limited Divorce

Absolute divorce is a legal termination of marriage and the court intervenes to make decisions regarding alimony, and child custody. A Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland can guide you through the process from start to finish.

Limited divorce authorizes the court to take important decisions pertaining to child support and financial freedom, but the marriage is not put to an end. Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland will help obtain a separation period, to allow the court to check if there’s a chance to avoid divorce.

Absolute divorce can be granted if you and your partner mutually consent over the divorce. Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland explains that, divorce is granted on mutual consent only if you are able to prove that there’s no point proceeding with the relationship, and ending it would rather do good to you as well as the immediate family members.

According to Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland, absolute divorce is also awarded for certain fault-based grounds like; adultery, domestic assault, desertion, rape, criminal conviction, substance abuse and prolonged hospitalization.

Summary of Basic steps For Filing a Divorce

Most of you may want to handle it all by yourself, but it is advisable to retain a Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland, to represent you in a divorce case. Here are the basic steps to follow while filing a divorce case, as explained by experienced Family Law Attorneys near me in Maryland:

1.You must meet the residency requirements of the state where you wish to file a petition.

2.The grounds of divorce must be mentioned and clearly explained; get help from Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland if you have difficulty deciding upon the grounds.

3.Your Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland will help you file Divorce Papers and send a copy to your spouse

4.If the spouse disagrees, he/she may file a counter case which is referred to as “contesting the divorce”. If the spouse agrees to everything or does not respond to the divorce papers being sent, then you can proceed with the separation process as an “uncontested divorce”. Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland will help you determine the best course of action based on the prevailing circumstances.

Hire an experienced Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland so that, they will have the knowledge about other important factors such as alimony, custody, visitation, etc., that should be requested and settled during the court hearings.

Everything You Need to Know About Child Custody & Visitation

Custody is not just about where and whom the child should stay with, but it also about who should be held responsible for all the decisions pertaining to the kid’s growth and development. The Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland is your one point contact for your queries.

In Maryland, the court believes in awarding joint custody where both parents can work together to bring up their child. Sole custody is given only in situations where one of the parents is deemed unfit to take care of the child. Fight your case with experienced Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland.

The factors like willingness, rapport with the child, geographical proximity, employment, income, other kids in the family and kids’ preference are considered in joint custody. Your Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland can provide clarity on the subject.

A child can state his preference after the age of 12 years; but if the kid is not old enough to state his preference, the court will assign a guardian (mostly a Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland) to gently interview the child and get to understand which of the parents is closer to the child. Your Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland can tell you if you are on the right track.

The most common question that many Family Law Attorneys near me in Maryland get to face is, “Can custody decisions be modified?” Yes, Maryland allows modification of custody if the child changes preference or if the current guardian is not able to properly provide for the child. You should consult Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland on matters relevant to custody change; taking the right step is important here, since it involves the life of your child.


In cases of sole custody, the court of Maryland allows visitation; Visitation is the arrangement to allow the child meet the parent (who does not hold the child’s physical custody) or the grandparents. Put your visitation rights in order with reputed Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland.

If a parent feels that visitation is just not safe for the child, he/she can get help from their personal Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland to have the issue brought up in court. The court may allow supervised visitation based on the circumstances presented in court by the Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland.

Get help from the skilled Family Law Attorney near me in Upper Marlboro Maryland at Law Offices of SRIS, P.C. to come to a conclusion that suits everyone’s interests.