Eco War: Renault EVs, but France top spy on Germany - WikiLeaks

Post date: Jan 6, 2011 5:59:34 PM

Economic war France

France Minister Eric Besson warns of 'economic war'

after Renault leaks

French Industry Minister Eric Besson

warned on Thursday that the country could be facing "economic war" after automaker Renault suspended three managers for allegedly leaking key information about its electric cars.

Renault, which has suspended three managers

for leaking company secrets, was also giving little away about what happened but said on Thursday that its "strategic, intellectual and technological assets" had been targeted.

2014 Nissan Electric cars for Renault

The company and its partner Nissan have staked their future on electric cars and plan to launch several models between them by 2014 to meet the rapidly rising demand for more environmentally friendly methods of transport.

France itself is the top offender when it comes to industrial espionage, and is even worse than China and Russia, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable that quoted the head of a German company satellites OHB Technology (SME)

"France is the evil empire (in) stealing technology, and Germany knows this," Berry Smutny, the head of German satellite company OHB Technology, was quoted as saying in the diplomatic note obtained by WikiLeaks.



Renault has since years no usable Knowledge in

Electric cars. Well it used all European subsidies

20 years ago for Electric cars with some DC models

failing long term applications. Renault put with others

all Start-up Electric car companies out of Business to

continue the Diesel like Volkswagen. So what should someone spy on Renault ? It seems more an action against demoralization, many suicides at Renault since years.

WikiLeaks cable:

Petit fabricant allemand de satellites OHB Technology, Berry Smutny

"La France est l'Empire du Mal en ce qui concerne le vol de technologies, et l'Allemagne le sait", a déclaré M. Smutny cité au style direct par le télégramme.


"France is the evil empire (in) stealing technology,

and Germany knows this," Berry Smutny, the head of German satellite company OHB Technology, was quoted as saying in the diplomatic note obtained by WikiLeaks.


Mais l'Allemagne, avec son gouvernement décentralisé, ne serait pas disposée à contrecarrer les activités françaises d'espionnage industriel, a-t-il ajouté, cité cette fois-ci au style indirect."S'épanchant abondamment sur son mépris pour les Français,

Smutny a dit que l'espionnage industriel français est tellement étendu que, dans leur totalité, les dégâts infligés à l'économie allemande sont plus importants que les dégâts provoqués par la Chine ou la Russie", poursuit le télégramme.

OHB Technology

s'est illustré en janvier 2010 en remportant aux dépens d'Astrium, filiale du géant EADS, un contrat pour la construction de plusieurs satellites destinés au programme de navigation Galileo, futur "GPS" européen.

La PME allemande

est aussi le principal acteur dans le programme allemand de construction de satellites d'observation optique (HiROS).

"Le projet initial était qu'EADS-Astrium à Friedrichshafen (Allemagne) conçoive, construise et exploite HiROS conjointement avec l'agence spatiale allemande DLR", lit-on aussi dans le télégramme publié mardi.

"Mais quand il est apparu évident aux yeux de DLR et des dirigeants allemands d'Astrium que la France, à travers son influence dans EADS-Astrium, essaierait de saborder le projet de peur que HiROS n'entre en concurrence avec les activités satellitaires commerciales françaises (satellites Spot, ndlr), la décision a été prise de faire d'OHB le principal contractant", ajoute la note.

Journal de référence en Norvège, Aftenposten

Nissan Leaf electric not so french, build in the UK Sunderland plant

Ex CEO Schweitzer of Renault did even not know what is an electric car in the year 1991 ????

The knowledge comes from Japan Nissan partners

so nothing to worry in France. Renault is as ruthless

as all the dying traditional car industry.

Still the Nissan Leaf poor electric Sales are

low in the US compared to Chevrolet Volt

hybrid power train designed in Germany.

Electric charging stations

nowhere to find in France up to now.

Nissan is apparently none-too-pleased either. An unnamed Nissan executive told the Wall Street JournalWhatever they leaked, it’s ours. They don’t have their own lithium-ion battery technology. We serve all of their battery technology needs, and we are their supplier of battery cells and packs.”

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