Ubuntu the African operating system by Mark Shuttleworth from space to earth

Post date: Nov 2, 2011 1:35:36 PM

Mark Shuttleworth South Africa in Space

Ubuntu on phones, tablets, TV’s

and smart screens everywhere

October 31st, 2011 Mark Shuttleworth

By 14.04 LTS Ubuntu will power tablets, phones, TVs and smart screens from the car to the office kitchen, and it will connect those devices cleanly and seamlessly to the desktop, the server and the cloud.

Unity, the desktop interface in today’s Ubuntu 11.10, was designed with this specific vision in mind. While the interface for each form factor is shaped appropriately, Unity’s core elements are arranged in exactly the way we need to create coherence across all of those devices. This was the origin of the name Unity – a single core interface framework, that scales across all screens, and supports all toolkits.

source: http://www.markshuttleworth.com

The beginning Ubuntu installed under Windows 2008

Windows is a very important platform, and our justifiable pride in Linux and the GNU stack shouldn’t blind us to the importance of delivering software that is widely useful. I believe in bringing free software to people in a way that is exciting and empowering to them, and one of the key ways to do that is to show them amazing free software running on their familiar platform, whether that’s Windows or the MacOS.