Africa village minigrids: Hybrid Diesel, wind, Solar PV, Hydro

Post date: May 13, 2011 5:52:41 AM

Village smart grid

ARE - Alliance for Rural Electrification

Belgium-based Alliance secretary-general Simon Rolland

Electricity price Africa $1 / kWh ...

10 times Europe price

Many Africans pay more for electricity ($1/kWh, $1,5/kWh or more), compared with Europeans (10c to 11c/kWh) and other regions; and it is time for the continent to look to renewables for an energy solution

Hhybridising diesel-based generators in minigrids with wind, photovoltaic (PV) or hydroelectric systems:

members are replacing the use of poorly maintained diesel generators and inefficient dry cell batteries in small communities in remote regions with cleaner renewable energy to reduce costs and have a more efficient and reliable system. He says there is huge potential in Africa for hybridising diesel-based generators in minigrids with wind, photovoltaic (PV) or hydroelectric systems – a solution which could reduce costs, increase efficiency and greatly reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

