Elsdon Watson references [1725]

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1 Muster of 1580 (Hodgson page 84)

2 John Swinburne (Hodgson page 82)

3 John Swinburne's plan of action (Hodgson page 204)

4 The first tenancy of Alexander Angus 1566-1587 (Hodgson page 150)

with the same land in Broomley in 1524 for comparison. (Hodgson page 149)

5 Treatment of the Rebels (Hodgson pages 81 and 82)

6 Pardons for the Rebels

(The Northern Rebellion of 1569 - KJ Kesselring pages 126-128)

Click on the image to enlarge it

7 The Bromley Tenants in 1576 and 1595 including Alexander Angus

8 The Bromley Tenants in 1608 including Alexander Angus

9 The will of Gilbert Newton 1682 and the possible will of his brother John also 1682

(Hodgson page 205)

10 Index of Hodgson's book showing Anguses

11 The Unthank muster of 1538

12 The Slayley muster of 1538

13 William Angus in 1570

14 David Angus in 1570

15 David Angus in 1608

16 Ralph Angus in 1665

17 Ralph Angus in 1675

18 John Angus voting at various dates

19 Archie Angus is Scottish

20 Evidence of will of Richard Angus dated 25 December 1604

21 Will of George Angus 1659

Transcription of will of George Angus/as

GEORGE ANGAS Will dated 6th May 1659

The sixth day of May 1659

1 I George Angas of Shilford in the Parish of Bywell andrew

2 with in the County of Northumberland Yeoman being sick

3 in body but whole in mind and of good and perfect remem

4 brance praise be god do make this my last will and testa

5 ment in manor and form following first I give my soul

6 to almighty god my maker and to Jesus Christ my redeemer

7 and my body to be buryed in the parish church of Bywell Andrew

8 when it shall please god to call me and all my goods I

9 leave to my wife Alice Angas to sort divided amongst my

10 children as she shall think fit if the lord makes her able

11 my debts being paid and funeral expenses discharged

12 all the rest of my goods to be divided amongst my six

13 children according to my wifes discretion

14 Item goods that george Angas dyed possesses of

15 four oxen £xij ---0---0 [£12]

16 eight kine xx ---0---0 [£20]

17 twenty sheep iiij [£4]

18 three lytter ------ iiij ---x [£4 – 10s]

19 in goods ij [£2]

20 his apparrell and

21 in his purse i --- 10 ---- [£1 – 10s]?

22 summa total 44 ---0---0

23 Debts owen to George Angas

24 Item John Arthur of Gt Matfen £i---8s

In witncy there of

Gilbert Newton Mr

Ralph Angas and Mr


22 Inventory of Alice Angus 1676

23 Ralph Angus death 1691

24 Joseph Angus death 1683

25 The Newton Fishing Raid, Hodgson pages 86-87

26 The Coat of Arms of the Newton family, Hodgson p 259

27 First appearance of Newtons in the Bywell Area, Hodgson p 263

28 Various events in the Newton story 1464 onwards, Hodgson p 259

29 Family tree of the Newton family from Stocksfield Hall,

Hodgson p 257

30 Involvement of Cuthbert and Robert Newton in the 1569 Rebellion,

Hodgson p 156

31 Effect of the Civil War at Bywell, Hodgson p 126