12. Mary Danvers Brinton 1891 [1453]

PARENT 11 Roland Danvers Brinton 1858 [1118]

MARY DANVERS BRINTON was born in London on the 25 July 1891 and died on the 6 July 1975, aged 83.

She married JOHN LEOFRIC STOCKS in London on the 14 December 1914. John was born in 1882 and died on the 13 June 1937, aged 55.

He was an academic and writer. John was educated at Rugby and Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He was fellow and tutor of St John's College, Oxford (1906-24), professor of philosophy in the University of Manchester from 1924, and vice-chancellor of Liverpool University (1937). He was actively interested in politics, and unsuccessfully stood as a Labour candidate for the University of Oxford at the general election of 1935. He also wrote several politically based books.

Mary Danvers (Mrs J. L. Stocks) , (nee Brinton) (25 July 1891- 6 July 1975) economist, writer and broadcaster b London : daughter of Roland Danvers Brinton, GP and Helen Constance Rendel; educated St Paul's Girls School, London , LSE, University of London married John Leofric Stocks, academic 1913; 2 daughers, 1 son . Recreation; reading, attending the House of Lords career, BBC a 22 Wilbraham Road, Fallowfield, Manchester (1929), 9 Croxteth Road Liverpool 8 (1937), 37 ArgyllRoad, London W8 (1937), 10 Holland Park Court, London W14 (1938), Aubrey Lodge, Aubrey Road, London W8 (1952).

She took her degree in 1913: principally interested in economic issues; member NUWSS; tutor in economics at Oxford, 1913-16; Assistant Lecturer, LSE, 1914-18; member FEC, 1917; lecturer in Economics, King's College of Household Science; Lecturer Extra- Mural Department Manchester University,

1924-c1936; active in the birth control movement although she was anti-abortionist; wrotea pamphlet on birth control advice at maternity clinicsin support of NUSEC'S campaign, 1925; first chair Salfordand District Mothers' (birth control) Clinic,

c 1926; Manchester JP; member NUSEC; NUSEC delegate at IAWSEC Paris Congress, 1926; NUSEC annual report gives special thanks for her work, 1926; Society Insurance Committee,

1927; member NUSEC Press and Publicity Commitee, 1927; member NUSEC Executive Committee, 1927;member NBCC (later FPA); close friend , colleague and biographer of Eleanor Rathbone, also worked closely with Lady Denman (NFWI) and Eva Hubback ; member Executive Committee NCEC,

1931; joint editor NUSEC newspaper, 'The Woman's Leader', lived in Liverpool,

1936-37;General Secretary London Coucil of Social Service,

1937-1939; member Royal Commission on Betting and Gamblingand of the Home Office Departmental Commission on Persistent Offenders; member Statutory Committee on Unemployment Insurance ; appointed as the Principal Westfield College, London, giving the College a higher profile,

1939-51; awarded Honorary degrees, LLD University of Manchester,

1955; DLitt University of Liverpool, ,

1956; member LP, she was involved in working for the BBCas a scriptwriter,broadcaster and BBC panellist on the Brains' Trust and Any Questions,

from 1936-60's; advocate of euthanasia; Deputy President WEA, maintaining her interest in its work into her retirement; in her retirement a member of the Unemployment Statutory Committee; a practising Christian; created a life peer,

1966; accepted the Labour whip; left the LP unhappy with Wilson's leadership and the Governments policies,

1966; created Baroness Stocks, of Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea on 17 January 1966

1974; regarded very much as an individualist, forthright and independant.

Children of JOHN & MARY STOCKS

i Living daughter

ii JOHN R. STOCKS was born in London on the 23 March 1918 and died on the 9 June 1975, aged 57.

He married BERYL D. BOLTON on the 21 May 1946. Beryl died on the 28 December 1981.

iii Living daughter