Philippine Health Status


103,796,832 - 104 million - No. 13 in the world standing

Life Expectancy

65 - Males; 72 Females (as of 2015)


Ten Leading Causes of Morbidity in the Philippines (DOH)

    1. Diarrhea

    2. Bronchitis/ bronchiolitis

    3. Pneumonia

    4. Influenza

    5. Hypertension

    6. Tuberculosis

    7. Diseases of the Heart

    8. Malaria

    9. Measles

    10. Chickenpox

Ten Leading Causes of Mortality in the Philippines (DOH)

    1. Diseases of the heart

    2. Diseases of the vascular system

    3. Pneumonia

    4. Cancer

    5. Accidents

    6. Tuberculosis

    7. COPD

    8. Diabetes Mellitus

    9. Diseases of the respiratory system

    10. Nephritis/nephritic syndrome and nephrosis

The leading causes of death are diseases of the heart, diseases of the vascular system, pneumonias, malignant neoplasms/cancers, all forms of tuberculosis, accidents, COPD and allied conditions, diabetes mellitus, nephritis/nephritic syndrome and other diseases of respiratory system. Among these diseases, six are non-communicable and four are the major NCDs such as CVD, cancers, COPD and diabetes mellitus.

See also Health Status of World and Philippines
