3. Parallels: While you wait


While you wait is modeled after old-fashioned NS-waiting areas at train platforms everywhere in the Netherlands. Its placement next to the tracks of Peron E is contrasted with the uselessness of waiting for a train to show up here, as the location has lost its original function.

The purpose of the project is to confront people with their tendency to inertly wait for things that will never come without any action or initiative. At least - most of them won't.

In practice

The physical part of this project was based on the location of Peron E; the connection to the theme was based on a guess that turned out more of less right. Seeing as it was always supposed to be a work in progress, I couldn't predict how the list (which was composed by visitors along the way) would turn out. My assumption was that we tend to associate waiting with roughly the same big themes - love, work, etc, which means that alongside each other we wait for similar big things to happen to us. 

(Of course - as was to be expected and can be seen below - some of us are happy to wait for some 'smaller' things as wel..)

Below is a small excerpt of the final what-are-you-waiting-for-list, as composed by visitors:

For people to stop polluting

World peace

My turn




For someone to buy me a beer

For someone to offer me a better job

For my family to come visit

To be reunited with my SO

Inside the little shelter is a 'ticket machine', posing a question to passersby: what are you waiting for? The machine offers its users options that were listed by people before them, but a new reason for waiting can be added as well. Choose an existing option or add one; it doesn't matter. The machine will always add a metaphorical wait to your lifetime, and asks you to take a seat.

While seated, there's time to reflect: what am I waiting for?

With some pleasant Muzak playing in the background to create a comfortable atmosphere, the visitor is invited to stick around as long as he or she likes.