
In this section, a few word about myself as a creative thinker.. 

"I do not know.." is one of my favorite sentences. 

It is about the process and it is about the people. 

Simple yet intelligent. 

Small is not always beautiful. 

Memories are a great source of inspiration. 

Silence gives answers. 

Hands and eyes - there is something about them I can not explain.


It usually starts with a pen and paper. 

You can not think outside the box. 

Some facts: 

Have been living in Amsterdam for almost 9 years, originally from Poland. Academic background in Communication Science, professional experience in online publishing, currently MSc Media Technology student. I would like to develop my professional path in the direction of computational social science. In my free time, I enjoy cultural events, mainly theatre, concerts, museums and ballet, as well as fashion. I like stories and beautiful objects. 


to be added