
Coincidentally, the only person whose name starts with an N.

Nicole Louise de Groot, for short.

25 y/o millennial.

Hates small glasses.

Hates to wear my glasses.

- Wrote papers on language, (film) art, discourse, advertising, law, ethics, technology and communication

- Made a program to scrape Gutenberg-data for 'emotions' in books compared to the number of downloads

- Did research on corporate outings on Facebook considering messages that use recent events to gain popularity

- Made a state-based shape-fill game with Processing

- Made an interactive, multi-dimensional drawing board with Arduino, Processing, Johnny5

- Made a sound-based interactive, multi-dimensional drugs interface with Arduino, Pure Data, Processing

BA Communication- & information sciences (VU)

Minor Digital Humanities (UvA)

Minor Technology, Law & Ethics (VU)

BA/Honours Winter School: Roma Caput Mundi (KNIR)

MSc Media Technology (LU)

Sings, sips, spins & shops.

- Songs, wines, bikes & attires.

Looking for a different point of view.

Looking from a different point of view.