3 Space: Music Sounds Better With You

The Concept

For this assignment, I wanted to make an installation that lived and responded in its very own condition through music. Inside the scope of the subject space, my objective was that people gain a full emersion of the installation while having a relaxing minute for themselves. Joined by Electronic Dance Music from Weval, a blazing screen, and a reactive shape, that moved to the snare, frequency, and beat of the music, people had the option to watch and at the same time communicate with the shape. By communicating, I mean resizing and turning the shape on each side 360 degrees.



For this installation, I didn't use any add-ons and composed the code by counseling different instructional exercises to help me since I had practically zero knowledge of openFrameworks. At last, I included al the bits of code together and make a complete code out of it.


At first, I downloaded an mp3 document from YouTube and found an instructional exercise on the best way to make a responsive shape. After that, I went on to explore the possibilities of my shape. I thought it would be nice if the shape could be interactive and the individual could control the shape and investigate it inside its space. So then I found another tutorial to make 3D shapes and joined these two codes together to make the 3D shape reactive. Later on, I was stuck when brainstorming on the background since I figured it would somewhat be boring to simply leave the background one color. Here is when it became a bit challenging because it then became noticeable that merging different codes in openFrameworks can be difficult, I just could not get anything to work.  Be that as it may, this is likewise because of my little knowledge on openFrameworks. Later on, I found an example online for implementing a flashing background screen. I implemented this so it would give my installation somewhat more oomph yet, I was concerned it would be too excessive. But in the end, everything came together. 

Future design

For future design, I might want to include more songs and make an intuitive playlist so people could navigate with a variety of shapes to play with. I would likewise change the background and make it more reactive rather than it simply just flashing at random. At last, I was satisfied with my installation, despite the fact that it was quite challenging I genuinely enjoyed working with openFrameworks.

Link Tutorials openFrameworks: 

Reactive shape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiTsE7P-GDs&t=498s

3D & ofEasyCam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xndF-nlPBTE

At the bottom of the page, you can copy the link for the code :)

