
Unecessary Introduction

My name is Mees Gelein and I'm 26 years old. My previous degree is a BA in Latin and Greek Language and Culture, which is not noticeably related to MediaTechnology. However, I decided to follow one of my passions to end up here: digital technology.

Rambling Interest Overview

Some of my interests include:

Social Media & Me

While there are of course many more things to now about me, for now this will have to do. I have recently (may 2018) decided to abandon Facebook, so my online presence is mostly on GitHub: My Github Profile

Previous Projects

A lot of my software stuff can be found on GitHub (linked above), some of my music is on YouTube, however the channel has been inactive for over 3 years now, since I've been crazy busy with other stuff. Professionally I've made Comparativus, a Chinese text comparison tool for use in the MARKUS online text editing environment, I've also published a paper on this (my first and so far only publication).

Curious Contents

Here you can see an overview of all the pages that will eventually fall under my page on this blog: