
Assignment 3 // June 17th, 2019

Of course, the robot is in production. This has not stopped me from thinking about this project further.

a. I suddenly had the thought of copyright and classified information. Information that is not available for everyone. It exists, but it doesn't. Think about files from the police or the FBI or CIA; most parts are usually blacked out, making it almost unable to read. There exists a parallel universe where the information is known and unknown. This concept is really interesting to me because people are always trying to look in; people are always curious about 'the other side'.

b. Having worked on masks during the previous assignment, this idea and concept stuck in my head. It is, at the same time, a way to express yourself, as well as hide yourself. I would find it interesting to use shards of mirror to cover a mask. The viewer can then sort of view itself while trying to view the person underneath; always remaining curious about the one who wears the mask, but being confronted by their own staring eyes.

Assignment 3 // June 13th, 2019

The first steps have been made for the development of our Parallels project. We decided on a robot that wants to escape its miserable existence stuck in a concrete block on its feet. The focus should be on a single human character than visitors can relate to. We chose helplessness and a need to escape.

Lab 3 // May 24th, 2019

Parallels @ Ping Pong Club Utrecht.

Visual 3-dimensional illusions.

Physical objects will work better (in contrary to projections) due to natural lighting.

Teachable machine.

Lab 2 // May 9th, 2019

Lab 2 // May 3rd, 2019

The starting point was mediated reality and virtuality.

We talked about Myron Krueger and Glowflow ('69) as a responsive environment.

Also Metaplay ('70): he programmed his installations in such a way that it was difficult to immediately understand or control the interaction.

MAZE: an installation that changes meaning over time. 

The response is the medium. Learning and adaptation. Meaningful interactions consist both of cooperation and frustration.

Getting started with openFrameworks.

Assignment 1 // May 3rd, 2019

The term 'old new media' sounds contradictory, but when studied a little deeper, soon a quite simple meaning can be comprehended. It can be understood as a medium which was new before 1995 (in terms of the New Media & New Technologies course). It is interesting to note that technology has never grown faster in the last couple of decades than ever before: you can speak of technological evolution.

From tiny electronics like microchips to gigantic mechanics like the telescopes that photographed a black hole for the first time: technology is nowhere and everywhere.

This week's intellectual assignment was to choose an icon. I thought hard about this one and couldn't quite come to a satisfactory answer. I'm not sure I actually agree with myself now, but I am sure that I do like Studio Drift. They make art that touches upon nature as well as technology. You can view this here.

This week's practical assignment was to pay tribute to an old new media. After some long debating with myself, I finally settled on ARPAnet, the first 'internet', or more likely, the start of what we now call the internet. You can find more on this under 1.2 Homage.