1.2 - Alexa enabled walkman

The cd-walkman we probably have all seen one and maybe also used it. In 1984 it came to the market and was a huge breakthrough everyone wanted one, so they could carry around their music. Back then you had to carry around all your favourite cd's in order to listen to different music. In the here and now we have a smartphone that is connected to the internet with access all music that you would ever need. Through services like Spotify, Soundcloud or Youtube. 

During this project I want to breathe new life in an old medium so it could survive in our environment with smartphones, smartwatches, smart fridges, smart thermostats and basically every electronic product that is made smart or will be smart in the future. Today I want to introduce you all to the Alexa enabled walkman or the smart walkman. This device will repopulate the earth with walkman's for all the fans and soon to be fans. Be the coolest kid on the block with this vintage piece of electronic art.


Different commands are suited for the smart walkman:

"Alexa, play walkman"

"Alexa, pause walkman"

"Alexa, stop walkman"

"Alexa, forward on"

"Alexa, previous on"

"Alexa, set volume of walkman to (number between 0-100)"

"Alexa, bass boost on"


I recently got an Amazon Alexa and really like all the capabilities made possible by this device. Alexa is able to control your lighting, tv or the speaker with your favourite music. Just sit on your couch and yell something to Alexa, some may say it's lazy but it's pretty convenient at times.